We stand with Ukraine. Please support Ukrainian army to defend against Russian invasion.

Times Turn 20

.----      - ---     --     ---   -----   - --       ----  ----   -     ----.
 )                                                                         (
(                             NewOrigins Events                             )
 )                            September, Year 2                            (
(                                                                           )
 )        A few adventurers are worried about an encounter between         (
(     combatants happened in the plains of Serlis where 1 combatant was     )
 )     killed. Powerful magic was used in the battle. Fearsome magical     (
(      monsters were collecting their prey. The attackers slaughtered       )
 )       all defenders. This battle will be known as Battle near the       (
(                           mountains of Cotell.                            )
 )                                                                         (
(                          .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                          )
 )                                                                         (
(      Many adventurers are rumoring about a conflict between hostile       )
 )      forces happened in the plains of Serlis where 1 combatant was      (
(      killed. Powerful magic was used in the battle. Fearsome magical      )
 )     monsters were collecting their prey. The attackers slaughtered      (
(        all defenders. This battle will be known as Battle near the        )
 )                          mountains of Cotell.                           (
(                                                                           )
 )                         .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                         (
(                                                                           )
 )    Multiple pilgrims are talking about a conflict between Drow (82)     (
(       and Cthonic Underground (35) happened in the plains of Serlis       )
 )     where 4 combatants were killed. Powerful magic was used in the      (
(     battle. Fearsome magical monsters were collecting their prey. The     )
 )    attackers slaughtered all defenders. This battle will be known as    (
(                   Battle near the mountains of Cotell.                    )
 )                                                                         (
(                          .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                          )
 )                                                                         (
(       A few pilgrims are worried about an encounter between hostile       )
 )     forces happened in the plains of Serlis where 2 combatants were     (
(      killed. Powerful magic was used in the battle. Fearsome magical      )
 )     monsters were collecting their prey. The attackers slaughtered      (
(        all defenders. This battle will be known as Battle near the        )
 )                          mountains of Cotell.                           (
(                                                                           )
 )                         .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                         (
(                                                                           )
 )    Dozen traders are worried about the battle between hostile forces    (
(     happened in the plains of Serlis where 2 combatants were killed.      )
 )    Powerful magic was used in the battle. Fearsome magical monsters     (
(         were collecting their prey. The attackers slaughtered all         )
 )    defenders. This battle will be known as Battle near the mountains    (
(                                of Cotell.                                 )
 )                                                                         (
(                          .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                          )
 )                                                                         (
(      Handful scouts are worried about the village of Coonwoheim that      )
 )       lies in the Case plains, where a partisans murdered guards.       (
(                                                                           )
 )                         .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                         (
(                                                                           )
 )    Multiple merchants are worried about the village of E'a that lies    (
(         in the Lethitcha mountains, where a rebels killed guards.         )
 )                                                                         (
(                          .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                          )
 )                                                                         (
(     Several bards have heard about the city of Baicstowe that lies in     )
 )        the Cotell mountains, where a partisans expelled guards.         (
(                                                                           )
 )                         .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                         (
(                                                                           )
 )    Multiple merchants are worried about hunters who have slew Undead    (
(      (3116) near ocean of Atlantis Ocean. Freeing the swamps of Fera      )
 )                            from their dread.                            (
(                                                                           )
 )                         .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                         (
(                                                                           )
 )     Numerous peasants are talking about hunters who have destroyed      (
(        Grizzly Bears (316) near forests of Junkoheim. Freeing the         )
 )                mountains of Doosprub from their terror.                 (
(                                                                           )
 )                         .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                         (
(                                                                           )
 )    Multiple locals are whispering about daredevils who attempted to     (
(        killed Undead (10619) roaming the forests of Pulishaw near         )
 )       jungles of Pefda. But all of them were slain by their prey.       (
(                                                                           )
 )                         .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                         (
(                                                                           )
 )      In the mountains of Flelspidug, near ocean of Atlantis Ocean,      (
(        Evil Warriors (942) who continue to cause anxiety to local         )
 )                              inhabitants.                               (
(                                                                           )
 )                         .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                         (
(                                                                           )
 )    In the forests of Dabastpre, near ocean of Atlantis Ocean, Living    (
(       Trees (1823) who continue to cause fear to local inhabitants.       )
 )                                                                         (
(                          .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                          )
 )                                                                         (
(      In the caverns of Hontlesh, near ocean of The Undersea, Dragon       )
 )        (1815) who continue to cause horror to local inhabitants.        (
(                                                                           )
 )                         .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                         (
(                                                                           )
 )    Frightening news were coming from the swamps of Membcli. Citizens    (
(      were afraid by the assassination near the forests of Celim. The      )
 )                       assassin escaped unnoticed.                       (
(                                                                           )
 )                         .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                         (
(                                                                           )
 )    Alarming news were coming from the mountains of Cemipresh. Locals    (
(     were horrified by the assassination near the forests of Enme. The     )
 )                       assassin escaped unnoticed.                       (
(                                                                           )
 )                         .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                         (
(                                                                           )
 )        Frightening news were coming from the tundra of Keffling.        (
(     Inhabitants were scared by the assassination near the forests of      )
 )               Charashaw. The assassin escaped unnoticed.                (
(                                                                           )
 )                         .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                         (
(                                                                           )
 )       Horrifying news were coming from the jungles of Schullnas.        (
(      Citizens were stunned by the assassination near the jungles of       )
 )                 Espreg. The assassin escaped unnoticed.                 (
(__       _       _       _       _       _       _       _       _       __)
    '-._.-' (___ _) '-._.-' '-._.-' )     ( '-._.-' '-._.-' (__ _ ) '-._.-'
            ( _ __)                (_     _)                (_ ___)
            (__  _)                 '-._.-'                 (___ _)
            '-._.-'                                         '-._.-'


In the desert of Chrastnasest lurks the Evil Mages (632). Free the world from this menace and be rewarded!
Seek a token of the Ancient Ones legacy amongst the furs of Ihietway.
Build a Temple in A'ynch for the glory of the Gods.
Build a Temple in Ascan for the glory of the Gods.
In the tunnels of Dosford lurks the Evil Warriors (709). Free the world from this menace and be rewarded!
Seek a token of the Ancient Ones legacy amongst the herbs of Wichy'om.
In the underforest of Hesscot lurks the Dragon (984). Free the world from this menace and be rewarded!
In the tundra of Speibucfolk roams the Kobold Pack (282). Free the world from this menace and be rewarded!
In the swamp of Perchviaped roams the Wolf Pack (318). Free the world from this menace and be rewarded!
In the jungle of Stenlut lurks the Great Apes (1833). Free the world from this menace and be rewarded!
In the underforest of Mestecwood roams the Dragon (478). Free the world from this menace and be rewarded!
In the forest of Loibawo lurks the Kobold Pack (610). Free the world from this menace and be rewarded!
In the mountain of Flelspidug roams the Grizzly Bears (181). Free the world from this menace and be rewarded!
Seek a token of the Ancient Ones legacy amongst the stone of Slegladdes.
In the underforest of Miorlriras roams the Troll Pack (479). Free the world from this menace and be rewarded!
In the cavern of Pincung roams the Pack of Rats (476). Free the world from this menace and be rewarded!
Build a Temple in Allswirnan for the glory of the Gods.
Build a Temple in Ca'a for the glory of the Gods.
In the cavern of Grasaust roams the Pack of Rats (905). Free the world from this menace and be rewarded!
Seek a token of the Ancient Ones legacy amongst the ironwood of Illford.


Our marketing department informs us that we have gone viral! We have attained fame as a notorious Pirate alliance!

Excellent news. Tell the merchandizing department to design pirate toys and ships and make red headbands to sell at steep markups!

Lets capitalize on this movement and get the younger generation involved.
Legacy of Disasters (106)
it's bad when I didn't know anything and even forgot
Darlocks (107)
With all these workers, farmers, builders and armies around, poor little mages begin to feel insignificant...
Thornhaven (108)
I like dungeon walks.
But there are too many monsters here.
MMF (113)
In the vast Ceykessand desert, a goblin scout named Grizzle found himself on an unexpected adventure. He had spent his entire life amidst the arid, sun-drenched dunes, and the desert was his beloved home. However, one day, as he set out on his usual scouting mission, he followed a path that led him away from the familiar landscape.

Soon, the oppressive heat gave way to a biting cold, and the soft sands transformed into hard, frozen ground beneath his feet. Grizzle, his goblin frame wrapped in a makeshift fur cloak, was spellbound by the tundra that unfolded before him, its endless expanse painted in shades of white and gray.

With a sense of wonder, he compared the tundra to his cherished desert. "This place is as different from my desert as a frost troll is from a sandworm!" Grizzle whispered to himself. The tundra's flora, with its frost-covered plants and delicate flowers, was a stark contrast to the hardy, sun-scorched desert vegetation he was accustomed to.

As Grizzle ventured deeper, he encountered massive, shaggy creatures roaming the tundra, a stark contrast to the reptiles and insects of his desert. The tundra's wildlife was a marvel, with its resilient creatures adapted to the unforgiving cold.

Yet, what truly captivated Grizzle was the tundra's ever-changing sky. In his desert, the sky was a predictable canvas of blazing sun and clear nights, but the tundra offered a mesmerizing display of swirling snowflakes and dancing northern lights.

For days, Grizzle explored this new world, feeling both awe and homesickness. He missed the comforting warmth of his desert and its familiar features, yet he couldn't deny the beauty of the tundra.
Sunspear (117)
Closed borders is more common than open ones. We'll stick to our cruises.
Idle Vice (12)
Norra the Wizard: (Raising a tankard of ale) I once tried to create a fire phoenix in my backyard, but it turned out to be a fire-chicken! Clucked and laid fiery eggs!

Tavern Patron: (Chuckles) A fire-chicken, you say?

Norra the Wizard: (Nodding) Indeed, a fire-chicken. And don't get me started on the time I tried to summon a dragon. I ended up with a dragon-shaped cloud that rained charred marshmallows.

Tavern Patron: (Laughing) You've had your share of fiery fiascos!

Tavern Wise Old Timer: (Sipping his drink) You know, maybe it's time you go south and enroll in a magic academy. They might help you channel that fiery enthusiasm more effectively.

Norra the Wizard: (Scratching his head) A magic academy, you say? Perhaps it's time I tame these flames properly!
Kroll Empire (123)
what to name myself... hmm...
Faction (124)
Economy is getting better and less people are eaten by lizards. What a coincidence.
Disencharmed (125)
Ring the bell!
Intruder has been spotted!

Finally our best hound have located the hoard of goblins who was terrorizing the neighborhood.
Let the battle begin!
Night Watch (127)
Last month there was some bureaucracy problem and the passage papers were not in order.
This time we hope the travel will happen or we will be late to answer our friend's call.

Otherwise toh will be incurred.
Seanchan (132)
Gone are the days of carefree abandon. Whereas, we once led the charge on misbehaving miscreants, with great balls of fire, we now are confined to stone hovels, studying under the dim light of flickering candles.
Them (15)
Finally our scoutship has found land. Seems small in distance, but it will do. Wonder what lives there?!
Lords of the Sky (16)
Undead die and rise again.  Bears roam the woods.  Things change, yet they stay the same.
Kiiran (17)
Ahhhh.. the smell of sulfur in the morning.  Oh wait.. that's not sulfur, that's brimstone!!
Atlanteans of Yore (19)
Next turn, please!
Crooked Hooves (20)
We are Borg!
Borg (21)
"First item on today's agender... our scribe! He's missed yet another Times submission deadline; this can't continue."
"Ay, we need his income to feed our scouts."
"We've had him working on the 'God Portal'."
"Indeed, but the Times publication must be prioritised."
The Grey Order (23)
Krakens found.
The Wolves of Isengard (25)
The eastern lands delight with resources. It will benefit The Church. The pirates are shamed, the killing of the observers has done its job. Blind kittens were drowned in blood. Minor skirmishes in the north are expected, unpleasant, but they do not pose a threat. There is no point in being distracted by them. Minor losses are acceptable and will not bring any losses to The Church or gain to looters. That the northern neighbors are looters was clear before. Now everything has taken shape and strengthened the determination to abandon excessive tolerance. The Church has reached a new level. This is great news! Our Faith is strong! The enemy will be defeated! Victory will be ours!
Church of The Holy Deed (26)
Mage forecasts the change in the world, what this change could be?
Friendly people (27)
No, the turbulence is flying south
Rainbow Falcons (29)
If you encounter one of my units or are denied entrance in a region by me, please contact me by game message.
The Merry Magicians (3)
Some nations are just too rich.
Dogs of war (31)
Greylords High Command announces:

Monster Hunters (85) and Tailenders (97) are working together and are absolutely vicious on a conquest course. They indiscriminately kill children, women, old . All free peoples are well advised to unite against these two criminal nations.
Greylords (32)
One again, battles far and wide.

We knew it would be worse.
Three (33)
"The path is long and dark, but He Who Waits Beneath has slumbered long.  A little longer would not be a great burden."

The priest looked over the sadly-diminished flock, then swung himself up into the saddle with a clumsiness that told of his lack of familiarity with the action.

"Right, lads, let's move out."

Cthonic Underground (35)
A step forward
Silver Hand (36)
The summer is ending, and there are rumors that it may be the last one on the city. Still, the show must go on.
Babylon (37)
The world continues to bewilder the Clan.  Factions negotiate borders by claiming areas others already have control of and accept offers of claims on Settlements as their right and not something that needs to be offset in any deal.  Why must the Clan buy peace to the detriment of their own economy?
Does no one deal in good faith any longer?
Clan McTavish (38)
Friends are known in times of trouble.
It's interesting to see how the freezes will affect our neighbors.
WindMasters (39)
What will the new month bring us?
Gyperboreya (4)
We are grateful for your help! Reciprocal assistance will follow as soon as it is needed. In the meantime, let's continue what we started!
Danado (40)
The humans of the jungle seemed utterly resistant to being offered silver to work for the Children of the Four Winds, and insisted on occupying a ruin instead of being in a nice house. Eventually they were cleared by goblin troops.
"Sir, I think the problem is these were wild men?" a soldier reported.
"Wild? They were absolutely livid!"
The Children of the Four Winds (41)
Fish, that's where the empire begins!
OrTOdox (42)
I hate the undead. I've already talked about this. 
Now I want revenge. 
I wonder what kind of drop they have?
SkyRaiders (46)
From the diary of Gale Swifthands

We lost Syshton to a bunch of gnomes! It's humiliating. Well, not just yet and not totally but it's only a matter of days before the last remnants of our newly recruited orcs get killed. Perhaps we should have left more experienced troops behind and a proper tactician  to lead them and weapons to fight with. But we needed the skilled men in our battle for Baicstowe. Which went well by the way because most of the cultists fled the city already or died a month earlier.
On an entire other note the cabins of our galleons are pretty comfortable. If only we had a couple more of them then I could really focus on magic instead sitting on the mizzenmast observing the city from afar. At least it's quiet up here. The girls can get a bit moody after all the fighting lately. We also ran out of chocolates and they don't like the local dwarven vodka.
Sticky Hands (48)
Magic is not in spells and staves, but in our hearts and minds! 🧙‍♂️
Dark League (5)
Why are some many people walking around the countryside waving "The end is nigh!" placards? 
Brown Bread (50)
[Dryes swamps].
Tyranny (51)
Well, to give an insight to what is happening in our area. 

Apart from:
1) The overcrowding issue
2) The marauding undead issue
3) The starvation and desertion issue
4) The looming ice wall about to hit us
5) The endless desert and ocean
6) The almost instant death some people are calling the UnderWorld.

Everything is fantastic over here!
Greywolf (52)
While the armies prepare for the future.
Mantzikert (53)
It took time, but we found them!
Our brethren from the underworld can now join us...
Iron Dwarves (54)
some factions are approach asking things, discussing territories all the difficult diplomacy stuff. They should know by now that we mainly only dream about getting our hand on the vodka. if you can offer some, lets talk.
Drunken Dwarves (59)
August, Year 2

The underworld, a realm of shadows and mysteries, continues to challenge our resolve. As our Battle Group inches closer to its target, the weight of anticipation grows heavier. The path we've treaded has been fraught with unexpected encounters, and I can only hope that no more surprises await us in the dark corners of this subterranean world.

Above ground, the winds carry news of our fleet's progress. The sails are set, and the crew's spirits are high. Our naval strength is nearing its peak readiness, and the time to strike is drawing near. The citizens of the coastal settlements remain unaware of the impending change in leadership. Soon, they will witness the might of The Order of Obsidian Shadow, and I trust they will come to see our rule as just and fair.

Every move we make is a step towards solidifying our legacy. The challenges are many, but our determination is unwavering. The Order will rise, and our name will echo through the annals of history.

- Malagor
The Order of Obsidian Shadow (6)
Study, build, study, build, study, build, study, build...... It has to develop into something eventually.
XOT (60)
We need bigger ships
Malibu West (62)
Narochka was reading through all the reports and informations that came in monthly from far and wide. Something caught her eye. "Where have I heard that name before?" she thought. She  looked through her books on the shelf.  "Ahh...not here" she shrugged.  But the name sounded vaguely like Pequod or somesuch.  "Oh! That might be it, hunting white whales..."
Rurikids (65)
Just need the silver
Fon (69)
Nabonidus celebrates New Exhibits' jungle.  New Exhibits wrote in the Atlantis Times "What a cursed place, they don't even let you get out of the jungle."  Nabonidus wonders why anyone would ever want to get out of the jungle?  Best terrain in the game.  All those herbs.  And mushrooms, if you look carefully.

Wikira celebrates living trees.  Nawiri is reading the Times to Wakira, and reads that Winter is coming. "ho hum, we have heard that a lot" says Wikira.  Wikira will believe it when she see it.  Nawiri reads "Have you purchased wood..." and Wikira explodes.  "Purchased wood?  Purchased wood?!  PURCHASED WOOD!!!".  Wikira siezes the Atlantis Times from Nawiri and throws it to the ground in horror.  She says "Trees are not slaves to be sold for your viewing pleasure.  Trees have their own, private lives to live in their forests, jungles and swamps, thank you very much.  We wish to hear no more about viewing right being sold.  Why do we subscribe to this newspaper, anyway?"  Later, when Wikira isn't watching, Nawiri returns and recovers the Times, and keeps reading.  Nawiri thinks to himself "Perhaps it is just as well that I didn't read all the way to the end of that sentence."

Turbulent nomads, Rainbow Falcons' question raises an eternal question which you, as a practiced color mixer, might be able to answer for us.  When colors are mixed, is the mixture white or brown?

Some factions tell us that they own everything that we (and they) can see, and suggest that if we do not wish to join them, there is land available for us on the dark side of the moon (underground).  Other factions graciously arrange peaceful borders and trade.  Which should we marry, the rich ones who already own everything so can promise us a luxurious life, or the friendly ones who promise an equitable life?  In future years, when troubles come, and the world freezes, which will prove the better partner?

Zorion learns there is already competition in the VODK business.  Zorion already left the WINE business because it was getting overcrowded, maybe VODK trading is not the best retirement choice for him.

Ed celebrates change.  Ed wonders where the Celebrants are going with all this discussion of ranks and titles.  He hopes they stay largely unorganized.
celebrants (7)
We feel sorry for our brothers who died for a good cause this month. 
The Filras (8)
We like our dark undergrounds but the number of walls there is ridiculous! 
Drow (82)
Aggressive monsters must be killed first
Monster hunters (85)
Are there any gates?
Yet Another Faction (9)
People started going crazy...
Mass murders...
Stealing money...
Kariya continues to flee from this influx.
Paykiss (92)
Nous embarquons ce mois pour une nouvelle terre avec une nouvelle alliance en vue...
des larges territoire de plaine et de marais inexploités.
les rivages ne sont pas si loin de nos terres actuelles et une liaison maritime mensuelle est programmée
The Lands Kepper (93)
Chapter 12 : The Quest for Clarity
A team was formed, consisting of both Veren's doubters and loyalists to the Conus Mysticus. Their journey took them through treacherous terrains, facing both natural and magical threats. Amidst a frozen glade, they stumbled upon the Nexus of Spruce: a shimmering, crystalline structure resembling a tree.

When touched, it granted visions. The true believers saw the Conus Mysticus radiating warmth and life, dispelling winter's chill. The doubters, however, saw themselves, emphasizing the power of unity and collective strength.
Revenge of the Cone (95)


It seems we have attacked your settlement and have been victorious. We would like some feedback on how we did. Would you describe your experience as: Hurtful, Annoying, Neutral, Pleasant, Joyful?
Please write back so we can come again!
The Church of Holy Deed  will be soon El Culto ConDanado Muerte or Dammed Dead Cult
Looks like Oriental Sweets really should have answered their mail.
Is winter close?
Killing City Guards seems to be kind of a sport for some!
Or maybe some way to get swords...
is it only a Legacy of Disasters or the Disaster it self?
4th. Snow. Trishka flogged for rudeness.  
6th. Brown cow died. Senka flogged for drunkenness. Clear weather.
9th. Rain and snow. Trishka flogged because of the weather.

Celebrants will be betrayed by one of their allies.