We stand with Ukraine. Please support Ukrainian army to defend against Russian invasion.

Times Turn 47

More regions on north and south are freezing...
.----      - ---     --     ---   -----   - --       ----  ----   -     ----.
 )                                                                         (
(                             NewOrigins Events                             )
 )                            December, Year 4                             (
(                                                                           )
 )      Several dockers are discussing about a fight between enemies       (
(      happened in the underforests of Chiarslai where 1 combatant was      )
 )    killed. The attackers slaughtered all defenders. This battle will    (
(            be known as Battle near the ocean of The Undersea.             )
 )                                                                         (
(                          .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                          )
 )                                                                         (
(        A few peasants have heard about the battle between enemies         )
 )    happened in the plains of Ve'ia where 202 combatants were killed.    (
(     Powerful magic was used in the battle. Fearsome magical monsters      )
 )        were collecting their prey. The attackers slaughtered all        (
(      defenders. This battle will be known as Battle near the forests      )
 )                                of Ickis.                                (
(                                                                           )
 )                         .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                         (
(                                                                           )
 )    Handful locals are rumoring about the skirmish between two armies    (
(      happened in the plains of Ve'ia where 2 combatants were killed.      )
 )    Powerful magic was used in the battle. Fearsome magical monsters     (
(         were collecting their prey. The attackers slaughtered all         )
 )     defenders. This battle will be known as Battle near the forests     (
(                                of Pytreim.                                )
 )                                                                         (
(                          .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                          )
 )                                                                         (
(     Handful dockers are worried about a clash between hostile forces      )
 )      happened in the plains of Ve'ia where 1 combatant was killed.      (
(     Powerful magic was used in the battle. Fearsome magical monsters      )
 )        were collecting their prey. The attackers slaughtered all        (
(     defenders. This battle will be known as Battle near the ocean of      )
 )                             Atlantis Ocean.                             (
(                                                                           )
 )                         .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                         (
(                                                                           )
 )    A few adventurers are whispering about the town of Touhurst that     (
(     lies in the Fresce underforests, where a partisans killed guards.     )
 )                                                                         (
(                          .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                          )
 )                                                                         (
(     Several pilgrims are whispering about the village of Brilhurshire     )
 )       that lies in the Lettink plains, where a partisans expelled       (
(                                  guards.                                  )
 )                                                                         (
(                          .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                          )
 )                                                                         (
(      Dozen traders are worried about the village of Rinnmersqua that      )
 )     lies in the Ceeflebel jungles, where a rebels destroyed guards.     (
(                                                                           )
 )                         .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                         (
(                                                                           )
 )     A few bards are rumoring about adventurers who have slew Dragon     (
(      (19731) near ocean of The Undersea. Freeing the underforests of      )
 )                        Upunt from their terror.                         (
(                                                                           )
 )                         .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                         (
(                                                                           )
 )       Dozen travelers are whispering about rangers who have slew        (
(        Merfolk (15002) near forests of Miype. Freeing the ocean of        )
 )                     Atlantis Ocean from their fear.                     (
(                                                                           )
 )                         .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                         (
(                                                                           )
 )    Some dockers are worried about rangers who attempted to destroyed    (
(      Ettins (18263) roaming the chasms of Brime'ic near ocean of The      )
 )           Undersea. But all of them were slain by their prey.           (
(                                                                           )
 )                         .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                         (
(                                                                           )
 )     Handful locals are talking about rangers who have extinguished      (
(     Pride of Lions (12719) near ocean of Atlantis Ocean. Freeing the      )
 )                   plains of Ciapal from their terror.                   (
(                                                                           )
 )                         .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                         (
(                                                                           )
 )    In the underforests of Upunt, near ocean of The Undersea, Dragon     (
(        (19731) who continue to cause terror to local inhabitants.         )
 )                                                                         (
(                          .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                          )
 )                                                                         (
(         A group of adventurers expelled the Troll Pack (473) who          )
 )     inflicted dread on the inhabitants of the Uru underforests near     (
(                          ocean of The Undersea.                           )
 )                                                                         (
(                          .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                          )
 )                                                                         (
(     In the caverns of Blirnsproa, near ocean of The Undersea, Goblin      )
 )     Horde (14564) who continue to cause fear to local inhabitants.      (
(                                                                           )
 )                         .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                         (
(                                                                           )
 )     In the chasms of Banfackhen, near ocean of The Undersea, Storm      (
(      Giant (728) who continue to cause terror to local inhabitants.       )
 )                                                                         (
(                          .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                          )
 )                                                                         (
(      In the underforests of Husbe, near ocean of The Undersea, Dark       )
 )     Mages (1069) who continue to cause dread to local inhabitants.      (
(                                                                           )
 )                         .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                         (
(                                                                           )
 )     Worrisome news were coming from the forests of Slirkpin. Locals     (
(        were scared by the assassination near the ocean of Atlantis        )
 )                 Ocean. The assassin escaped unnoticed.                  (
(                                                                           )
 )                         .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                         (
(                                                                           )
 )         Worrisome news were coming from the forests of Pytreim.         (
(         Inhabitants were terrified by the assassination near the          )
 )          mountains of Stahec. The assassin escaped unnoticed.           (
(                                                                           )
 )                         .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                         (
(                                                                           )
 )     Horrifying news were coming from the forests of Loibawo. Locals     (
(        were afraid by the assassination near the ocean of Atlantis        )
 )                 Ocean. The assassin escaped unnoticed.                  (
(                                                                           )
 )                         .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                         (
(                                                                           )
 )    Horrifying news were coming from the swamps of Hickpil. Citizens     (
(       were shocked by the assassination near the ocean of Atlantis        )
 )                 Ocean. The assassin escaped unnoticed.                  (
(                                                                           )
 )                         .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                         (
(                                                                           )
 )     Worrisome news were coming from the tundra of Selkerd. Citizens     (
(      were shocked by the assassination near the forests of Enme. The      )
 )                       assassin escaped unnoticed.                       (
(__       _       _       _       _       _       _       _       _       __)
    '-._.-' (___ _) '-._.-' '-._.-' )     ( '-._.-' '-._.-' (__ _ ) '-._.-'
            ( _ __)                (_     _)                (_ ___)
            (__  _)                 '-._.-'                 (___ _)
            '-._.-'                                         '-._.-'


Build a Temple in Bidthrim for the glory of the Gods.
In the cavern of Pincung roams the Pack of Rats (476). Free the world from this menace and be rewarded!
In the chasm of Akur lurks the Dragon (726). Free the world from this menace and be rewarded!
In the cavern of Pincung roams the Goblin Horde (434). Free the world from this menace and be rewarded!
Build a Temple in Bakut for the glory of the Gods.
Build a Temple in Atagel for the glory of the Gods.
In the cavern of Dapetheff roams the Pack of Rats (11827). Free the world from this menace and be rewarded!
Seek a token of the Ancient Ones legacy amongst the mushrooms of Sormstan.
In the tunnels of Iaysaull roams the Ettins (439). Free the world from this menace and be rewarded!
Build a Temple in Allswirnan for the glory of the Gods.
Seek a token of the Ancient Ones legacy amongst the wood of Ea'i.
In the swamp of Perchviaped lurks the Undead (938). Free the world from this menace and be rewarded!
In the underforest of Hesscot lurks the Dragon (984). Free the world from this menace and be rewarded!
In the cavern of Dapetheff lurks the Storm Giant (700). Free the world from this menace and be rewarded!
Seek a token of the Ancient Ones legacy amongst the stone of Slegladdes.
In the chasm of Vumyrt lurks the Ettins (1842). Free the world from this menace and be rewarded!
In the tunnels of Iaysaull roams the Giant Lizards (406). Free the world from this menace and be rewarded!
In the tunnels of Snalcatcan roams the Ettins (444). Free the world from this menace and be rewarded!
Seek a token of the Ancient Ones legacy amongst the iron of Pincung.
In the underforest of Guerin lurks the Dragon (1071). Free the world from this menace and be rewarded!


Quaskim and Akluckmi have been retaken for the n'th time. It gets more fun every time. The enemy keeps sailing around and around and nothings found.
General Disasters Inc. (106)
Nothing to see here...
Thornhaven (108)
The devil must be destroyed!
MMF (113)
We've seen empty cities in our sails. No doubt cleared out by mighty armies. Glad we missed them
Idle Vice (12)
With winter coming, it's about time that lich departed our lands so we can freeze to death in peace.
Disencharmed (125)
Disaster strikes as the forest comes to life for the second time in three months. Fire, bows, and axes - the trees took some damage this time, but not before wiping out another encampment. Tread carefully in the forests and don't let your guard down. 
Oaken Staves (141)
I see the world through the fresh eyes of a newborn! So far... it looks pretty small! ;-)
Wanda (143)
Welcome to the gates of the underworld... 'hell' if you will.
Them (15)
Our first travels in underworld. At last, the escape from coming cold. 
Also lordships can travel through the air also in underworld, the meaning of sky is quite limited.
Lords of the Sky (16)
Well... that escalated quickly...
Kiiran (17)
What do you mean "The training schedule has been adjusted. Pray you do not adjust it further!" 
Who do you think your are talking to?

*sounds of fireballs whooshing*
Atlanteans of Yore (19)
There is no hiding now.
Punkers (22)
"Two friendly settlements fallen."
"Yes. It's no longer a question of 'if' but more 'by who?'"
"And the question of 'when?'"
"Maybe this month; maybe next... not long for sure."
The Grey Order (23)
Nothing new.
The Wolves of Isengard (25)
Still no balloons. We will freeze to death. And we cant catch the centaurs.
The Merry Magicians (3)
The dance of death.
Dogs of war (31)
No news.
Three (33)
The faithful gathered around the table.  Outside the jungle was quiet, hot, and dank.  Inside, torches flickered in sconces on the moist-slick stone and caught the breath with their heavy haze.

"Soooooo...." began the first priest, looking around the table.

No support was forthcoming, so he soldiered on.

"What do we do now?"
Cthonic Underground (35)
a dark secret unkown even by the faction who is supposed to know it, must be very dark !
Silver Hand (36)
It is getting harder to keep the lights up, there is always less time than expected.
Babylon (37)
Looks like the Clan's resurgence is now inevitable.
Clan McTavish (38)
Frozen lands looks interesting.
What is that small white animal running there?
In some eastern laguages it called pisets. 
In our language it means dead end.
WindMasters (39)
Where are you?
Gyperboreya (4)
A massive battle took place in Hoham, and reports made it back to the Council of the Four Winds. Apparently illusionary demons had misled the defending soldiers into attacking the wrong places. This was deeply concerning.
The Children of the Four Winds (41)
From the diary of Gale Swifthands

Borders are changing faster than our cartographers can keep tracking who rules what and where. With the Calamity Alliance in turmoil perhaps other factions will jump to grab some land here and there. Few of them understand where two power lies. It's not in arbitrary lines drawn hastily onto some maps.
Sticky Hands (48)
Why are strange things happening around?
Dark League (5)
Are you not entertained?
Brown Bread (50)
Players vs AI....

I wonder if the AI is just as unpredictable as some players?
Greywolf (52)
Oh dear, I need the silver from an article all of a sudden.
Mantzikert (53)
Time to see if these scaly things are valuable...
If one comes, of course!
Iron Dwarves (54)
The ones that seemed dead were not... this will add some spice to the next months for sure. 
The Order of Obsidian Shadow (6)
We're all goin on a, summer dragon hunt.
We all wanna fill a, quest or two.
XOT (60)
Celebrants seem to have entered an enchanted slumber.  Perhaps they are mourning fallen allies?
celebrants (7)
Old McTavish had a clan 
Ee i ee i o
And in his clan he had some mages
Ee i ee i oh
With a fire-mage here
And a fire-mage there
Clansmen, clansmen

Old McTavish had a clan 
Ee i ee i o
But then he lost ally or two 
Ee i ee i o

With a mage lost here
And a mage lost  there
Lossess losses
Ee i ee i o

Now he is seeking for some safe harbour...
Seeking here... seeking there... Seeking-seeking everywhere...

Old McTavish had a clan 
Ee i ee i o
Drow (82)
Monster hunters (85)
nos pécheurs ont été éliminé par une troupe de 60 merfolk....
organisons une défense pour les prochains pécheurs 
The Lands Kepper (93)


Who let the Dogs out?
You gather demons, and worse...
But their fire will not protect you against freezing, and they will freeze with you!
Things look different now.
General Disasters constantly breaks its expensive toys. But it’s good that there are cabin boys from whom General can always take new ones..