New Origins v7
- Quartermasters can no longer transport infinitely in one map direction.
- JSON reports are an available option for download.
- Transport now uses connected distance in overworld and underworld.
Units leaving the nexus via the gateways will now have a landing spot where
basic resources are readily available.
- Special endgame rules for V7 (see discord for details)
Bug fix to avoid crash when assassinating units with ONLY Steel Defenders[STED]
and Catapults [CATA]. These units *can* be assassinated. If a unit contains
living men as well as CATA or STED, a living person will be the preferred
assassination target.
New Origins v6
- Underworld is back. Movement cost in UW is slightly increased (see regions movement cost).
- Monsters drop significantly less raw silver, but the same numbers of magic items
- Adamantium armor weight got slightly increase
- Flaming swords casting % is decreased
- TRANSPORT / DISTRIBUTE do not count as a MARTIAL activity
New Origins v5
- Skeletons and Undead can be raised from dead after battle by players only if mage participated in BATTLE with either [SUSK] or [RAIS] skills
- Wolves can be summoned in any region, not only forests and mountains
- Monsters movement was changed, they prefer their native terrain
- Some magical items production output was slightly increased
New Origins v4
- (!!!) Merge WAR and TRADE into Martial. Martial | Magic, 5 FP
- (!) Riding bonus is halved for combat purposes with a maximum of 3 (more details in HORS / WING / CAME descriptions).
- Enabled COOKING skill
- ASWO bonus was reduced from 6 to 5
- BAXE was added
- Reduced SBLA spell power
- Reduced CALL spell power
- CLOA requires ARTI 4
- Removed Illusionary Undead monsters
- Rebalanced catapults and steel defenders, increased silver cost
- TRANSPORT / DISTRIBUTE commands do not consume Martial points
- Rebalanced Runeswords and Flaming swords
- Portal capacities increased 500 -> 800
- Some artifacts creation chance was increased
- BUILD command does not consume Martial point
- Increase buildings magical defenses
- Increase Balrogs summoning chance to 30%
- Change Mind Reading spell - reduce levels effects 5->3, 3->2
- Change how buildings are destroyed. Instead of instant destroy by 1 man, they are destroyed 1 point per man-month.
- Normal monsters drop a bit higher amount of loot
- Devil hellfire a bit stronger and loot value as well
- Camel spook combat fear reduced from 2 to 1
New Origins v3
- (!) Removed underworld.
- (!) Number of attack for melee weapons now depend on a combat skill.
- (!) No spoils from Balrogs reduced from 4 turns (+4 to fully recovered) to 2 turns (+2 to fully recovered).
- (!) Base fly speed for monsters, WING, ships and airships was reduced to 4.
- (!) Fortifications were changed, now they give bonus in adjacent regions too.
- (!) Prevent GUARD if someone else (non ally) is already guarding
- (!) It is not possible to guard in the ocean
- Create CLOA skill now has a requirement of FSHI 4 instead of 3.
- Increased GATE, PORTAL and TELE limits.
- Runesword, flaming sword and chances to create them were changed (increased).
- Tundra has very dangerous monsters, as well as volcanos.
- Turtles now can swim and walk on land.
- Added Free-moving-items: catapults and steel defenders. They can be a part of the unit or unit on itself.
- Fish price increased.
- Ships capacity increased.
- Scrying orb and gate crystal: skill reduced from 3 to 2.
- Removed BOOT and added swim speed to magic carpets.
- Changed weight for trade goods.
- WING removed from tundra.
- Iron added to tundra and root to ocean in a small amount.
- Illusionary dragons and liches number increased.
- GATE changed so level 2 allow to gate to a specific gate number.
- Earthquake damage was reduced, damage type changed to weather.
- Quartermasters base local range is 2.
Transportation between different quartermasters can be increased by leveling QUAM skill.
- Monsters statistics changed.
- Advanced battle statistics was added.
- Enchant swords and armor now require ARTI level 2.
New Origins v2
- Tactics changed from free round to first round bonus.
- Added spoils guard, preventing over monster "price" spoils to drop.
- Added turtles as water mounts. They can be produced with FISH 3.
- Enabled Quartermasters.
- BUY and SELL trade items do not use Trade region.
- Cloak of invulnerability defense 99% was reduced to 98%.
- Full True Seeing bonus enabled.
- Full Invisibility on self enabled.
- Added FORC as a dependency for Earth Lore.
- Added WOLF 3 as a dependency for Dragon Lore.
- Illusory creatures have full health of their real copies, no attacks. Also minimal lvl requirements for illusory creatures was reduced.
- Phantasmal Entertainment changed to CAST, now also provides Entertainment bonus in region.
- Now it is possible to sail through 1 hex land (with a stop ie ALLOW_TRIVIAL_PORTAGE).
- Ranching and Farming combined into Farming.
- Camel Training and Horse Training combined into Horse Training.
- Magical Tower and other root buildings now have reduced mages capacity.
- Added hut and stockade wood buildings for individual magical study.
- Added some missing buildings to increase resources production.
- Teleport spell capacity was increased to 30 weight per level (was 15).
- Magical healing was changed to be 5 men per level with 80% success rate.
- Entertainment income was changed from 20 to 30 silver per level.
- Healing percentage and men amount was changed.
- Changed loses 5% to stop army from movement.
- Added Terrain table to rules which provides possible resources for every terrain type.
- Healing Potions will heal 1 men with 70 percent of success rate.
If you played Miskatonic, you can see changes here.