We stand with Ukraine. Please support the Ukrainian army to defend against the Russian invasion.

Times Turn 61

.----      - ---     --     ---   -----   - --       ----  ----   -     ----.
 )                                                                         (
(                             NewOrigins Events                             )
 )                            February, Year 6                             (
(                                                                           )
 )        Handful scouts are rumoring about a clash between enemies        (
(      happened in the forests of Primqui'uss where 53 combatants were      )
 )    killed. The attackers slaughtered all defenders. This battle will    (
(               be known as Battle of the Fort Building [3].                )
 )                                                                         (
(                          .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                          )
 )                                                                         (
(     Many merchants are worried about an encounter between combatants      )
 )     happened in the forests of Rhuvarstwun where 13 combatants were     (
(     killed. The attackers slaughtered all defenders. This battle will     )
 )              be known as Battle near the town of Seschec.               (
(                                                                           )
 )                         .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                         (
(                                                                           )
 )       Many wanderers are whispering about an epic battle between        (
(     Thousand Masks (49) and The Wandering Minstrels (70) happened in      )
 )       the forests of Rhuvarstwun where 2 combatants were killed.        (
(          Powerful magic was used in the battle. War engines were          )
 )       decimating the battlefield. Fearsome magical monsters were        (
(      collecting their prey. The attackers slaughtered all defenders.      )
 )       This battle will be known as Battle of the town of Seschec.       (
(                                                                           )
 )                         .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                         (
(                                                                           )
 )     Dozen druids are discussing about the city of Bepmark that lies     (
(      in the Ferswingmill jungles, where a rebels annihilated guards.      )
 )                                                                         (
(                          .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                          )
 )                                                                         (
(      A few travelers are rumoring about the town of Sarnchovale that      )
 )     lies in the Idio swamps, where a partisans ambushed guards but      (
(                            were unsuccessful.                             )
 )                                                                         (
(                          .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                          )
 )                                                                         (
(     Handful traders are discussing about the town of Festes that lies     )
 )       in the Eusacre tundra, where a faction annihilated guards.        (
(                                                                           )
 )                         .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                         (
(                                                                           )
 )    Dozen scouts have heard about the city of Cee'onbay that lies in     (
(        the Idio swamps, where a partisans ambushed guards but were        )
 )                              unsuccessful.                              (
(                                                                           )
 )                         .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                         (
(                                                                           )
 )     Multiple commoners have heard about daredevils who have killed      (
(     Living Water (16050) near forests of Siryl. Freeing the ocean of      )
 )                    Atlantis Ocean from their dread.                     (
(                                                                           )
 )                         .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                         (
(                                                                           )
 )    Handful commoners are rumoring about adventurers who have put to     (
(     the sword Merfolk (17896) near city of Dyntceffvale. Freeing the      )
 )               ocean of Atlantis Ocean from their horror.                (
(                                                                           )
 )                         .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                         (
(                                                                           )
 )     Several adventurers have heard about daredevils who have put to     (
(       the sword Merfolk (14708) Freeing the ocean of Atlantis Ocean       )
 )                           from their anxiety.                           (
(                                                                           )
 )                         .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                         (
(                                                                           )
 )        Many refugees are rumoring about rangers who attempted to        (
(     annihilated Pirates (1129) roaming the ocean of The Undersea near     )
 )       city of Futbele. But all of them were slain by their prey.        (
(                                                                           )
 )                         .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                         (
(                                                                           )
 )    In the tunnels of Imheim, near village of Zaihergtown, Evil Mages    (
(         (17376) who continue to cause fear to local inhabitants.          )
 )                                                                         (
(                          .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                          )
 )                                                                         (
(       In the underforests of Teldani, near town of Teta, Evil Mages       )
 )         (825) who continue to cause fear to local inhabitants.          (
(                                                                           )
 )                         .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                         (
(                                                                           )
 )      In the chasms of Dapent, near city of Brepshea, Evil Warriors      (
(        (16430) who continue to cause anxiety to local inhabitants.        )
 )                                                                         (
(                          .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                          )
 )                                                                         (
(     In the underforests of Tahimmo, near ocean of The Undersea, Evil      )
 )         Warriors (18683) who continue to cause terror to local          (
(                               inhabitants.                                )
 )                                                                         (
(                          .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                          )
 )                                                                         (
(     In the caverns of Scurri, near city of Ooton, Ettins (16227) who      )
 )              continue to cause fear to local inhabitants.               (
(                                                                           )
 )                         .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                         (
(                                                                           )
 )       Frightening news were coming from the mountains of Sweron.        (
(     Inhabitants were terrified by the assassination near the Magical      )
 )         Fortress Building [6]. The assassin escaped unnoticed.          (
(                                                                           )
 )                         .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                         (
(                                                                           )
 )         Worrisome news were coming from the caverns of Ashire.          (
(      Inhabitants were scared by the assassination near the ocean of       )
 )              The Undersea. The assassin escaped unnoticed.              (
(                                                                           )
 )                         .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                         (
(                                                                           )
 )    Alarming news were coming from the plains of Pamark. Locals were     (
(      stunned by the assassination near the ocean of Atlantis Ocean.       )
 )                     The assassin escaped unnoticed.                     (
(__       _       _       _       _       _       _       _       _       __)
    '-._.-' (___ _) '-._.-' '-._.-' )     ( '-._.-' '-._.-' (__ _ ) '-._.-'
            ( _ __)                (_     _)                (_ ___)
            (__  _)                 '-._.-'                 (___ _)
            '-._.-'                                         '-._.-'


In the underforest of Marold roams the Troll Pack (601). Free the world from this menace and be rewarded!
Build a Temple in Bedsyll for the glory of the Gods.
In the cavern of Ofolk roams the Demon (473). Free the world from this menace and be rewarded!
In the chasm of Ergmowshet lurks the Devil (797). Free the world from this menace and be rewarded!
In the tundra of Imfulhiu roams the Giant Birds (330). Free the world from this menace and be rewarded!
In the chasm of Osrengate roams the Devil (481). Free the world from this menace and be rewarded!
In the chasm of Lenu lurks the Evil Warriors (793). Free the world from this menace and be rewarded!
Build a Temple in Ardshisi for the glory of the Gods.
In the swamp of Zelrinmore lurks the Undead (13948). Free the world from this menace and be rewarded!
In the desert of Lecktrimhir roams the Sphinx (929). Free the world from this menace and be rewarded!
In the plain of Jetmedde lurks the Undead (683). Free the world from this menace and be rewarded!
Build a Temple in Blasmaburn for the glory of the Gods.
In the tundra of Crenkaces roams the Yeti (18479). Free the world from this menace and be rewarded!
In the desert of Blecishchan roams the Giant Scorpions (236). Free the world from this menace and be rewarded!
In the swamp of Almou lurks the Swamp Creatures (16417). Free the world from this menace and be rewarded!
In the swamp of Echellpol lurks the Lizard Men (675). Free the world from this menace and be rewarded!
In the underforest of Pearmo roams the Giant Spiders (472). Free the world from this menace and be rewarded!
Seek a token of the Ancient Ones legacy amongst the mushrooms of Powann.
In the underforest of Teldani roams the Dragon (493). Free the world from this menace and be rewarded!
In the desert of Si'entfolk lurks the Sphinx (15767). Free the world from this menace and be rewarded!


Another month spent in the tundra... at least the mages were warm
The Fallen (101)
Atlantis Travellers Society Advisory:
Wonderful news!  It now appears safe to travel to some Anomaly sites.  If you still wish to visit an active Anomaly site it seems your choices are limited.  
And always weigh carefully your need to travel and your need to keep living.
Apathetics (102)
Sailing the high seas is fun.  Where is the next lot of pirates.
Mantzikert (103)
one more time
New Farmers (104)
Hello there, anomaly carriers!
Hello There (105)
Some people are hiding in shadows. Who are they?
WoodMan (109)
So far I am not very good at this. Let's try it one more time!
Reformation Guild (114)
WanderingStudent amazed at what it takes to get established.
WanderingMystic (118)
Hmmm... that guy has something that looks interesting. I wonder if we can steal it.
Distant Drummer (15)
The bronzed lord stared at the tantalizing shore.  It felt so close, to see the white foam and hear the thunder of the pipe rolling in.

But not today.  Still he would endure this most non-triumphant waiting.
Under Mirk Wood (18)
The Gaggle (22)
The Drunken Bard’s Misfortune

(A rowdy Irish tune)

The bard was deep in whiskey, in mouth beehive,
Swinging his lute like a madman alive—
"Com fight, ye curs!" he roared in his pride,
But fate had a different tune to provide!

The brawl turned fierce, the blows landed cruel,
Till a brute kicked him hard in duel!
With a yelp and a groan, he fell bar table behind,
And they rammed a cello into none should go in

"By all the saints!" he shrieked in pain,
"What fool let siege guns in again?!
That wasn't an ale that fell in my pants -
-= Onagres =- didn't let me a victory chance!"

Now he walks with a waddle, a dreadful sound,
The cello strings hum like underground!
"Oh, God!" gasps the crowd, "What a terrible sight—
A walking bass line that plays overnight!"
The Lord of Drama (29)
Now the messaging department brings us rumours from gods, but they are hard to decipher. Is the anomalies changing? Is there something bad in the middle of the world? Or is the world itself becoming more unstable and the end is nigh in less than four years?! Nobody is sure, but savings rates are plummeting.
Trader Enclave (30)
"What are those?"
"Stone trees."
"They dont move or talk?"
"Nope.  We farm them for stone to build stuff"
"Sort of look like your grandfather eh?"
"Just because my grandfather got petrified is no reason to make a comparison..."
Elder Tree Forests (32)
Sort of feels a little like tetris, but without the edges.
Greywolf (33)
Ej no.
Frozen Sails (35)
Ho!! And the Minstrels turn out to have a rotten fish smell, however! No honor, no courage... Only pettiness and cowardice. He only had the courage only to name the unit and only to avoid being mistaken for beetles. He was only smart enough to attack, even though I was friendly to him from the first moves and he could been easily pass through my guards where he burst in waving STAF and MSWO...
So, his defeat is a pattern. Not surprisingly, he prefers not to reveal who exactly is hiding under the buffoon's hood. They beat his for that... and beat hurts...
Shestoper (36)
Taip (37)
Looking out, there was a sea of orange beaks. It seemed the geese had returned with a vengeance.
Children of the Four Winds (4)
Peace to the world.
Gyperboreya (42)
              Squirrel Chatter                sixth February

Fluffy Rainbow  Unicorn seems to  have given up  on southern
squirrels and gone on to a  more interesting diet, but a new
masked squirrel  predator has  appeared in the  north, named
the  "Knights of  Good". The  Knights of  Good have  hunting
tactics very similar to Fluffy Rainbow Unicorn's.
    It  is unclear  what  squirrels  should do  in  the face
of  predators  wearing  admantium  plate  mail  and  mithril
shields,  and armed  with rune  swords, flaming  swords, and
double  bows.  Bows just  don't  seem  to get  past  mithril
shields. Perhaps  the Knights  of Good casting  Force Shield
has something  to do  with this? And  in the  unlikely event
that even a single quarrel passes all three of force shield,
mithril  shield, and  admantium  plate, the  leaders of  the
Knights of Good, as one might  expect from the a group named
"the Knights of  Good", carry staves of  healing. Any ideas?
How does a squirrel survive predators who wear admantium and
mithril, and are armed  with runeswords, flaming swords, and
double bows?
    Perhaps  missile weapons  are a  futile defense  against
predators  armored so  thoroughly  and defended  by a  force
shield. Bare hands  definitely do not work.  Pikes or swords
fare no better,  though, even hundreds of  pikes and swords.
No force shield impedes a pike  or sword, and the half dozen
runeswords can only  frighten a few hundred  squirrels at at
time,  but  even unfrightened  squirrels  have  a hard  time
evading the  parries of the master  swordsmen wielding those
runeswords, and  when they do  evade the parry,  they seldom
penetrate the gleaming admantium platemail, and when they do
that, well, these are the Knights of Good, so they just heal
any Knight unfortunate enough to be injured by a squirrel.
    More squirrels  die to fireballs than  to sword strokes.
There  doesn't seem  to be  much  a non-magician  can do  to
defend against a fireball.  There are censers of protection,
but we would  need one censer in each region  the Knights of
Good might bring their goodness to. That's a lot of censers,
and we  don't have any yet.  Who knew two years  ago that we
needed to start censer production?
                                 --Carrot Marigold, Cenintco

In last month's Times, Taip suggests running away. That also
has the problem that there  are too many regions the Knights
of  Goodness might  bring  goodness to,  but  Taip might  be
right, running might be the best option we have.
                             --Gaudryi Pliocrocuta, Cenintco

I don't really like dead  squirrels telling tales. But these
days the live squirrels don't  see much; the squirrel eaters
leave few survivors to produce more squirrels.
                --Ghost of Hyaeneides Tongxinictis, Cenintco

I survived.  A single masked  squirrel eater with  a flaming
sword,  accompanied  by  a   an  unskilled,  unarmed  dwarf,
attacked our  encampment of  more than a  hundred squirrels.
The unskilled,  unarmed dwarf soon perished,  but the single
masked squirrel (named  Surov) drove more than  a hundred of
us  away  after killing  almost  three  score of  us  single
handed.    We couldn't touch him, though more than a hundred
of us tried.    Very impressive fighters, these Masked ones.
                                           --Teddy, Cenintco

Do Surveyors know where we can find any pine cones?    After
the recent invasions  by the masked ones,  squirrels who had
been eating livestock and grain have begun to starve.   Time
for squirrels to start eating nuts.
                                  --Ngosud Zusla, Silxidcact

                      Be with us next time for
                      "Squirrel in a Stew"
                      "Seasoned explorer eaten by cannibals"  
squirrels (43)
To stand or not to stand, that's the question
Truth Seekers (44)
Chasing ghosts, it feels like it is all we do all day.
Stormbringer (46)
"Press 'X' to win." Is this a win condition everybody will be happy with?
Thousand Masks (49)
Confusing times...
Sunshine (5)
Dragon save me!
Ennead (52)
Its never going to end!
Archon Dominion (53)
It's very convenient to be able to change the rules as the game progresses.
Surveyors (55)
Hang-on, they've Scarpered, run away , fled even?  Now we will need more boats to chase them! If only our fleet wasn't so far away still....
Deathscarab (57)
Anomalies. Maps. Fleets. center of the world....
Cartographers (69)
well at least that was a bit of fun. now on to the next distraction.

with no homeland and minimal units, makes things easier. so many things learnt for next time
The Wandering Minstrels (70)
30! I want 30!!!!
but such a number has surely not been attempted before. with 30, Groo would be happy. and now, with help from a local merchant, the dream was almost at hand.
6 more turns Groo mused. then the dream would be fulfilled.
but now... now for giant hunting!

what trinkets lay ahead this month.
Groo the Wanderer (71)
Sea Guild (75)
MMF (79)
Fon (8)
You are an imperfect being, created by an imperfect being. Finding your weakness is only a matter of time.
Borg TNG (95)


Boo, hiss!  Villain on the stage! 
Beetles taste worse than Squirrels.