We stand with Ukraine. Please support the Ukrainian army to defend against the Russian invasion.

Times Turn 2

.----      - ---     --     ---   -----   - --       ----  ----   -     ----.
 )                                                                         (
(                             NewOrigins Events                             )
 )                              March, Year 1                              (
(                                                                           )
 )     --== Nothing mentionable happened in the world this month ==--      (
(__       _       _       _       _       _       _       _       _       __)
    '-._.-' (___ _) '-._.-' '-._.-' )     ( '-._.-' '-._.-' (__ _ ) '-._.-'
            ( _ __)                (_     _)                (_ ___)
            (__  _)                 '-._.-'                 (___ _)
            '-._.-'                                         '-._.-'

Players have visited 14% of all inhabited regions.



New world, new challenges.
Red Skulls (10)
We find ourselves by the sea, with a cool breeze coming over us from the west. Wonder what lays out there. we will head out soon to explore.
The Trade Group (11)
The learning curve is steep but this looks like fun! A whole new world to discover - apparently one hex at a time!
The Explorers Guild (13)
New world, new coast, new sea and no wood. :)
SuperBober (14)
Not much to look at... we'll call it home.
Distant Drummer (15)
Il fait froid dans cette ville !
Et il y a du monde... espérons qu'ils seront amicaux.
Les Nains des Monts de Fer (17)
Une foret calme est un bon endroit pour installer notre colonie...
The Lands Kepper (20)
The Gaggle (22)
We look and only see forests and the sea. So we begin our search.
The Merry Magicians (24)
Why am I still here ???
Silver Hand (25)
The place is deserted. Aside from the hundreds of goblins we're about to coerce into joining our new venture. 
Wistful Thinking (27)
The musty smell made breathing difficult. And the sounds of the swamps were broken by the distant sound of the surf. Below, under the tree, green reptiles were roaring. A beautiful start to the morning of the new year.
Sir Elric fully agreed with this beautiful morning. Who was quite comfortably located on a nearby tree, stroking his sword.
Dawn was beginning. A new world awaits.
Dark League (28)
The actors:

Decrepit Lord (out of his mind),
Commander of the lord's squad (alcoholic)
Servant Vasily (scumbag and a cynic)
Magicians (loafers)
Peasants (lazy)
City guards (stupid)

Act One, Scene One.


The Lord's Chambers
The Lord has just woke up.

- Vasil! Come here! Dress me up! I'll go to the people. Let's revive the former greatness!
- Are you crazy, Lord?! What kind of greatness? You can't go to the potty every morning without the help of magicians! And how are you going to revive your greatness?

... to be continued
The Lord of Drama (29)
A city full of information.  We shall learn it all.  Learn it all to the ground.....
Kiiran (3)
We wish to correct previous Times articles. We are not selling artifacts, we are buying those.
And the selling of stone is delayed, as we arrived in tundra. But let prospective customers do not worry, asw in short while we will definitely be selling stone. Just look for a big fat trader near you.
Trader Enclave (30)
What's over there?
The Order of Tolin (31)
We have found mountains and dwarves!  Excellent!  Mining camps coming up.  We will soon supply swords and shields to all armies
Elder Tree Forests (32)
Time is so short. Will mine be short in this world or will we find a monolith!
Greywolf (33)
Ahhhh .. The seaside. I just love the sound of the waves crashing onto craggy cliff faces.
Queen XOT (34)
Buka (35)
otters in gaiters in the wilds of the tundra...

...an unsuccessful jump...
Shestoper (36)
I want to find the stabilization monument!
If there is a monument of annihilation - there must be something to an otherwise.
Voras (37)
What do you mean you forgot to submit the times article!  It is right there next to the Upload Turn Orders button!  
Mantzikert (39)
The Children of the Four Winds left in search of a strong wind. Was there ozone upon that breeze, a gentle smell of sea air? It was - as they left the nexus, they found a pleasant seaside town. Unfortunately, this massively restricted possible room to move - perhaps this was not a lucky start.
Children of the Four Winds (4)
The Nexus has transported us to a speck of land surrounded on four sides by ocean. Are we on an island, or an isthmus? Time to build some ships and start exploring...
Fishmongers' Guild (41)
We need more gold, My Lord.
Gyperboreya (42)
In my dream I saw seven beautiful gateways.  
The placard beside the first gate read:

    1.1) Have your own city(*), all to yourself(*).  
    1.2) And world's best tax base.  
    1.3) And world's most food and horses.  
    1.4) With wings, of course.  
    1.5) Have it all, and have it all to yourself(*).

At the bottom of the placard, 
in almost unreadably small print were two notes:

    (*) Occasionally, our tour guides determine that two 
        travelers would make perfect allies, and direct them
        both to the same city for better cross training and
        earlier city conquest.  But most travellers will
        arrive alone in a city they have all to themselves.
    (*) If our always very popular plains tour is
        oversubscribed, some travelers may be blessed
        with their own town instead of their own city.
        These lucky factions can begin taxing sooner.

I then turned my attention to the second gateway.
The placard beside the second gate read:

    2.1) Pirates and sailing fleets will rule.
    2.2) Quickly build your floating mage school with all the 
         wood and ironwood(*) you need, without ever leaving 
         the safety of your port(*) city(*).
    2.3) Abundant furs(*) and yew fill your backline 
         with catapults and doublebows.
    2.4) Ships are faster than pegasii.
    2.5) Ships can land more places than pegasii.
    2.6) Sea is safe from assassins.
    2.7) Better taxes than the other sea gates.

At the bottom of this placard, 
in almost unreadably small print were four notes:

    (*) Some travellers have reported a shortage of ironwood.
    (*) In rare cases, travellers have reported arriving inland.
    (*) Some travellers may arrive instead at a town or village
    (*) Furs are the most prized product of Atlantis.

In my dream, I then turned attention to the third gate.
The placard beside the third gate read:

    3.1) War wins(*).
    3.2) Many day one allies.
    3.3) Orcs and mountain dwarves.
    3.4) Early weapons and armor.
    3.5) Decent income.
    3.6) What's not to like?
    3.7) Train early, transport early with early school 
         buildings and early transport structures.
    3.8) Every resource needed is guaranteed within free 
         transport range of the mountainhome caravanserai.
    3.9) March out with your many allies and conquer 
         friendless "all to themselves" plains folk early.
    3.10) Then use your shields(*), swords and armor 
          to conquer that pesky elvish alliance.

At the bottom of this placard, 
in almost unreadably small print were two notes:

    (*) Well, wins the wargame anyway
    (*) iron, mithril and force

I turned my attention again.
The placard beside the fourth gate read:

    4.1) Tallest stack of mages wins.
    4.2) This shall be a long game.
    4.3) Don't study alone.
    4.4) Mobility favors clouds(*).
    4.5) Special drawing for early lizards.

At the bottom of this placard, 
in almost unreadably small print was a single, long note:

    (*) Mobility actually favors corsairs in tropics, 
        but cities and production are all in temperate 
        lands or underground, where land gets in the way 
        so cloud(ship)s have the advantage.

My dream almost repeated itself.
The placard beside the fifth gate 
almost copied the second placard:

    5.1) Pirates and sailing fleets will rule.
    5.2) Quickly build your floating mage school with all the 
         wood and ironwood(*) you need, without ever leaving 
         the safety of your port(*) city(*)
    5.3) Add catapults(*) to your navy with abundant furs(*).
    5.4) Ships are faster than pegasii.
    5.5) Ships can land more places than pegasii.
    5.6) Sea is safe from assassins.
    5.7) This gate starts you in the tropics, unlike gate 2 
         which may start you far from the action.

The notes at the bottom of this placard were almost identical 
to the notes at the bottom of the second placard.

    (*) In very rare cases, travellers have reported 
        a shortage of ironwood.
    (*) In rare cases, travellers have reported 
        arriving inland.
    (*) Some travellers may arrive at a town 
        or village instead of a city.
    (*) Catapults are NOT heavy.  
        Each galleon can carry 3.
    (*) Furs are the most prized product of Atlantis.

In my dream, I turned again.
The placard for the sixth gate was brief:

    6.1) Veteran's favorite(*).  
    6.2) All the camels, iron, stone, rootstone
         and mithril you expect.  
    6.3) All other essential resources guaranteed 
         within one easy month's camel ride.
    6.4) The choice seems obvious.

There was one note at the bottom of the placard:

    (*) Well, for New Origins 5 veterans, anyway.

The placard beside the seventh and last gate read:

    7.1) Biggest alliance wins.  
    7.2) Meet many allies the month you arrive.
    7.3) Avoid the tropics.
    7.4) Tropics is water.
    7.5) Water is rough start.
    7.6) Study and grow on a large continent.
    7.7) Then swoop in from afar.
    7.8) And claim the prize for biggest alliance.

This honest last gate needed no fine print.

After examining all seven gates, another sign appeared.
That can happen in dreams.
This rough sign, off to the side, 
not beside any visible gate, read:

    8.1) Visit the Giant's Castle!
    8.2) Tour the Dragon's Cave.
    8.3) Sing with the Bog Creatures.
    8.4) Descend into the Crypts.
    8.5) Dance with the Devil(*).
    8.6) Test your luck!

The small note at the bottom was too small 
to see clearly in my dream, perhaps it read:

    (*) Trprtrdsclmsllrspnsbltyfrtrvlrsfty?

-- Unit <unum>, Nexus
squirrels (43)
Even near the poles, the season is expected to be very hot.
Truth Seekers (44)
Jeremy finds himself in the world he was seeking. This is very good, as there were no turns wasted through foolishness in the Nexus. His next objective: economy. With twenty residents who believe in his cause (that's a lie, they're in this for the money) sent out to kindly explain to the nearby farmers the virtues of supporting another (kindly, presumably with several threats), a stable system should be set up soon. Then, Jeremy just needs a home base and he can begin bigger operations. Survival is key, and friendship is the keychain keeping that key from becoming lost under the couch cushions of death.
The Order of the Egret (45)
The spell worked, but not exactly as expected. Let's hope that the crocodiles are not hungry.
Stormbringer (46)
Unexpectedly crowded in a quiet town. Well, first to farm gets all the grain!
Thousand Masks (49)
Tundra is for exiles. Time to move to warmer climes!
Sunshine (5)
Let's start the game!
The Kingz (50)
so what will you do next?
M9 (52)
Wide ocean views and jungle at our backs. You there, go cut some of that wood!
Archon Dominion (53)
Surveyors (55)
I walk thru the portal and reality bends near me. Now i'm standing in the city full of sand. 
After talking with local goblin inhabitats, I found out that city is called Honmioxfiw. Have no idea what that means, must be some form of goblin dialect.
Also I've asked about local land and suprisingly inhabitats don't travel too far, for all they know is that there are some jungles and forests nearby, but nobody have been there.
So I've decided to hire few adventerous goblins to investigate the land.
There were several thoughts how to proceed, but in the end, my desicion was to open thiefs and entertainment guilds, 
alas that would require some teaching todo, better start it ASAP.
Copy & Bara Union (56)
From the dark places in the world the infestation commences.  
Deathscarab (57)
and so the slow build begins
MalibuWest (59)
Prepare to have your mind blown—again!

Fresh from the mysterious depths of the Carnival of Shadows, Old Jobobo is thrilled to announce two new acts that will have you questioning reality (and maybe your workout routine). Buckle up for the high-flying antics of the Flying Legless Bros. and the raw, boulder-crushing power of the Strongmen!

🌀 The Flying Legless Bros. – What Legs?!

If you think you’ve seen it all, think again. The Flying Legless Bros. will soar through the skies and defy logic, all without a single leg to stand on (literally). How do they do it? We’re not sure, but they’ve promised us it’s completely safe... 99% of the time.

Watch as these daring performers launch themselves from trapezes, loop through the air, and pull off moves that would make even the bravest bird dizzy. Rumor has it, one brother once soared so high, he got a glimpse of the moon—though he insists it was just a really big lantern. Either way, gravity doesn't stand a chance when these two are in the air.

Safety note: For those of you wondering, no, legs will not be provided after the show.

💪 The Strongmen – Stronger Than Your Biggest Excuses!

Hold onto your hats (or whatever’s closest), because the Strongmen are here to lift things that have no business being lifted. These muscular mountains don’t just bench-press boulders—they bench-press the concept of boulders. And maybe your sense of self-worth if you’ve skipped leg day.

But don’t be fooled by their brute strength. The Strongmen are more than just muscles—they’ve got precision, grace, and a finely-tuned sense of showmanship. Watch in amazement as they juggle anvils like they’re bags of flour, arm-wrestle each other for bragging rights, and possibly rearrange Atlantis itself (kidding… we hope).

If you've ever thought, "I could totally lift that if I really tried," let these titans remind you: no, no you can't.

Step right up for thrills, chills, and the occasional flying brother!
With the Flying Legless Bros. and the Strongmen now joining the Carnival of Shadows, the show has never been more exciting—or confusing. Expect gasps, laughs, and maybe a few dropped jaws as these performers defy logic, physics, and the need for legs.
Atlantis, don’t miss out! The Carnival of Shadows is here for a limited time, and who knows? Maybe you’ll leave with a little more muscle... or at least a stronger sense of disbelief!
The Carnival of Shadows (61)
I am the beginning, the end, the one who is many. I am the Borg.
Borg (62)
A tree has grown on the spot where her body did rest.
Blood seeped in the soil from the knife in her chest.
Roses on White Lace (64)
We come to spread Lunaria's light to every man, elf, dwarf, err lizard thing, and whatever monsrosity that is!
Lunaria (66)
There is hope.
Nonentity (67)
Gerard arrived from the portal on the surface of this new world. Looking about, he found some worthy recruits to join his mapping adventure. heading straight out into the wilderness, the Cartographers have begun their quest.
Cartographers (69)
Oops better late than never i suppose
Kowards (7)
The ringmaster looked around at his troupe.

the clowns were cautious
the animal handlers anxious
the acrobats were alarmed
the lion tamer was Lackadaisical
the performers were petrified

into the abyss they all plunged under the direction of the ringmaster.... the Venue would be established soon.

Tickets on sale at a city near you! coming year 3 January...
The Wandering Minstrels (70)
Grooella strode across the plains to confront the Sage...

Where is that mendicant brother of mine?! he will pay for his transgressions.

The Sage rubbed his forehead then muttered.... He will come at the time of his own choosing.

And thus they set out to find the Wanderer, before he could wreck destruction on this new world...
Groo the Wanderer (71)
The road once again had led to mountains. Every time, every world, the beginning always started with the mountains. So it had started story of the cone, so started every chapter. 
But this time, the mountain settlement was a small poor village of Crinday. It rained and the future for the lone leader seemed bleak. The only bright side of this was that the arrival coincided with another friend of olde that arrived in Atlantis at same time. At least my friend seemed optimistic about the future, and that helped. 
Cone's Magicians (73)
The kingdom of Mercia emerges from this part of history. Hail to Ser Johann.
Wardens of the Wild (76)
Does anyone read the Times messages?
Find me in the discord.
Fon (8)


« Look Out For » signifie « prenez garde » et non « chercher ».
¿Alguien habla español en Atlantis?
Algú parla català a Atlantis?

Contactad con La Orden de la Sangre si es el caso.
Guess who gave the baby the Rattler...
There is a city at a gate location.
The Greywolf! Are you scared? 

Be afraid!
Is there profit in rumors? If so, who pays?
the underworld is the place to be, no nasty annihilating stuff happens down here
Every day a lemon keeps the doctor away!
Bjorn is back...
The wood was never so dark and deep in my memory.
How many zombie factions are there in this party?

Holdy? Are you here? 
I'm scared.
Answer me.
Give me a Sign