We stand with Ukraine. Please support the Ukrainian army to defend against the Russian invasion.
Times Turn 41
.---- - --- -- --- ----- - -- ---- ---- - ----.
) (
( NewOrigins Events )
) June, Year 4 (
( )
) Numerous wanderers are talking about a conflict between hostile (
( forces happened in the ocean of Atlantis Ocean where 1 combatant )
) was killed. The attackers slaughtered all defenders. This battle (
( will be known as Battle near the town of Icpool. )
) (
( .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:. )
) (
( Dozen scouts are discussing about the battle between enemies )
) happened in the ocean of Atlantis Ocean where battle ended in a (
( slaughter of one of the sides. This battle will be known as )
) Battle near the jungles of Hutibbran. (
( )
) .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:. (
( )
) Handful scouts have heard about a clash between two armies (
( happened in the mountains of Inhead where 1 combatant was killed. )
) Powerful magic was used in the battle. Disgusting undead caused (
( fear in the combatants. Fearsome magical monsters were collecting )
) their prey. The attackers slaughtered all defenders. This battle (
( will be known as Battle of the city of Inholm. )
) (
( .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:. )
) (
( A few adventurers have heard about a conflict between combatants )
) happened in the tundra of Co'e where battle ended in a slaughter (
( of one of the sides. This battle will be known as Battle near the )
) Magical Tower Building [1]. (
( )
) .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:. (
( )
) Several dockers are rumoring about the skirmish between enemies (
( happened in the mountains of Whadutacre where battle ended in a )
) slaughter of one of the sides. This battle will be known as (
( Battle near the forests of E'y. )
) (
( .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:. )
) (
( Some pilgrims are discussing about the city of Orgrad that lies )
) in the Roshuglen chasms, where a faction destroyed guards. (
( )
) .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:. (
( )
) Some peasants are discussing about the village of Vonthmark that (
( lies in the Dightway underforests, where an opposition massacred )
) guards. (
( )
) .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:. (
( )
) Handful commoners are whispering about adventurers who have (
( decimated Tribe of Centaurs (403) near ocean of Atlantis Ocean. )
) Freeing the plains of Salbrook from their anxiety. (
( )
) .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:. (
( )
) Several dockers have heard about witchers who have decimated (
( Undead (12340) near ocean of Atlantis Ocean. Freeing the desert )
) of Ba'a from their dread. (
( )
) .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:. (
( )
) Multiple wanderers have heard about adventurers who have murdered (
( Living Water (767) near volcanoes of Sweron. Freeing the ocean of )
) Atlantis Ocean from their anxiety. (
( )
) .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:. (
( )
) In the caverns of Wadime, near ocean of The Undersea, Dragon (
( (1746) who continue to cause dread to local inhabitants. )
) (
( .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:. )
) (
( In the tunnels of Farue, near city of Orgrad, Giant Lizards (531) )
) who continue to cause dread to local inhabitants. (
( )
) .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:. (
( )
) In the ocean of Atlantis Ocean Pirates (1731) who continue to (
( cause anxiety to local inhabitants. )
) (
( .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:. )
) (
( A group of rangers killed the Dragon (17886) who inflicted dread )
) on the inhabitants of the Beinsho caverns near town of Eginngate. (
( )
) .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:. (
( )
) Alarming news were coming from the swamps of Jinrick. Inhabitants (
( were horrified by the assassination in the town of Atsemouth. The )
) assassin escaped unnoticed. (
( )
) .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:. (
( )
) Frightening news were coming from the swamps of Jinrick. (
( Inhabitants were terrified by the assassination in the town of )
) Atsemouth. The assassin escaped unnoticed. (
( )
) .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:. (
( )
) Fearsome news were coming from the swamps of Jinrick. Commoners (
( were stunned by the assassination in the town of Atsemouth. The )
) assassin escaped unnoticed. (
(__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __)
'-._.-' (___ _) '-._.-' '-._.-' ) ( '-._.-' '-._.-' (__ _ ) '-._.-'
( _ __) (_ _) (_ ___)
(__ _) '-._.-' (___ _)
'-._.-' '-._.-'
In the tundra of Sosmeolwaul roams the Swamp Creatures (295). Free the
world from this menace and be rewarded!
Seek a token of the Ancient Ones legacy amongst the mushrooms of
In the underforest of Pearmo roams the Devil (481). Free the world
from this menace and be rewarded!
In the underforest of Marold roams the Troll Pack (601). Free the
world from this menace and be rewarded!
Build a Temple in Blasmaburn for the glory of the Gods.
In the mountain of Sweron roams the Giant Birds (330). Free the world
from this menace and be rewarded!
In the tunnels of A'oc roams the Demon (1008). Free the world from
this menace and be rewarded!
Seek a token of the Ancient Ones legacy amongst the herbs of
In the tundra of Nenttheen roams the Grizzly Bears (246). Free the
world from this menace and be rewarded!
In the underforest of Tahimmo lurks the Drow Warriors (1780). Free the
world from this menace and be rewarded!
Build a Temple in Ashire for the glory of the Gods.
In the desert of Lecktrimhir roams the Sphinx (929). Free the world
from this menace and be rewarded!
In the mountain of Bedsyll lurks the Storm Giant (1048). Free the
world from this menace and be rewarded!
In the cavern of Gocbost roams the Dragon (1023). Free the world from
this menace and be rewarded!
In the chasm of Lenu lurks the Evil Warriors (793). Free the world
from this menace and be rewarded!
In the swamp of Jinrick lurks the Undead (738). Free the world from
this menace and be rewarded!
Build a Temple in Ardshisi for the glory of the Gods.
In the swamp of Echellpol lurks the Lizard Men (675). Free the world
from this menace and be rewarded!
In the desert of Blecishchan roams the Sandlings (234). Free the world
from this menace and be rewarded!
In the cavern of Cepcouthpil lurks the Dark Mages (841). Free the
world from this menace and be rewarded!
Red Skulls (10)
the seas churned far below the Wraith, its mission was simple. its target had been located.
The Fallen (101)
Back to sleep.
Apathetics (102)
Wow, the Times got through my spam filter for the first time in forever.
Mantzikert (103)
one more time
New Farmers (104)
Hello there!
Hello There (105)
What is our plan for the future, we need to figure that out soon.
The Trade Group (11)
"Just a few more turns, and we'll be set". We've been thinking that for more than a few turns.
Distant Drummer (15)
The bronzed lord considered the ridculousness of thinking that slaying a dragon might be a humdrum part of the bogus trivia of day-to-day life,, as opposed to a most renowned deed that might make musicians shred bodacious lute solos named after your most awesome victory.
Truly, life was strange.
Under Mirk Wood (18)
Honk honk honk. :)
The Gaggle (22)
no dragon :(
Silver Hand (25)
Wistfully running out of claim funds. Whoops
Wistful Thinking (27)
Don't leave things for last.
Write orders on time!
Dark League (28)
Love, death & goblins
Season 2, episode 5
The same place on the surface (swamp). Goblin Dad, the Goblin Papa's new girlfriend (tolerance is good up to a certain limit). The number of goblin children has increased slightly.
Dear goblin Girlfriend! Today I met my countryman, who told me that the high elves hide from us that in the plains where they live, all food is free, and you don't have to work hard to get food. So we decided to assemble a small band of goblins of several thousand and make our way to the plain in search of free food!
Dear Goblin Papa! I'm always happy to have free food, but only healthy ones! When you rob the high elves on the plain, try to select only healthy, environmentally friendly food, in the production of which no one was injured and the water, air and appearance of the surrounding nature were not spoiled!
Dear goblin Girlfriend! You won't be able to find food that no one has suffered for! Either I will suffer while I search for this food, or the elves, from whom we intend to take away such food. But I thought of it! I'll set fire to the elves' settlement, and when they run to escape, I'll just take what's left in their homes! And nobody will not suffered!
Dear Goblin Papa! This's genius idia!
The Lord of Drama (29)
First couple of quests got fulfilled but rewards were relatively unrewarding. One of them the healing potions proved challenge in itself for accountants struggling to calculate reward value as it ranged somewhere between 300 silver pieces to 1 and half herbs. If there is ever consensus, we will let you know.
Trader Enclave (30)
"So we found an island. What are those things?"
"Horses, so the orc says."
"Funny looking camels... What can we do with them?"
"Sell em, eat. em"
"There are no trees here. It is all flat. Why are we here?"
"The boats are annoying. Too many orcs..."
Elder Tree Forests (32)
And then there was 8.
Greywolf (33)
We declare war on factions:
44, 49, 28, 42, 52, 55, 79, 58
After all Dark League was spy from very begining..
Frozen Sails (35)
It was smooth on paper-plan, but they forgot about the ravines...
Shestoper (36)
It is magic!
Taip (37)
The miners came through to the area where the settlers had been killed in a border accident a couple of months previously. Squatters had taken over the old mine and were building a new one!
Children of the Four Winds (4)
A black flag on the horizon, and a dead fish in the barrel.
Fishmongers' Guild (41)
Squirrel Chatter fourth June
12 battles last month. Devils, demons, giant spiders,
kobolds, a small patrol of axe elves from an unrevealing
faction, and an invading Thousand Masks army with flaming
swords, rune swords, and double bows.
--Victoria, Mowdorf
Frightening sounds overhead. Runeswords and worse. Good
thing we are down here with the demons and devils where it
is safe. Is there any way to brick the shaft shut?
--Alyvin, Silxidcact
Be with us next time for
"Hexapodia: horses with wings"
"The end is neigh"
squirrels (43)
The long and winding road.
Truth Seekers (44)
One of these days the sword will prove its value.
Stormbringer (46)
Thousand Masks (49)
So little time... and so little brain!
Sunshine (5)
Haul away your rolling king, heave away, haul away
Archon Dominion (53)
Surveyors (55)
Why does no-one like peace anymore?
Deathscarab (57)
Mercator Jnr pondered.... could he use balloons to scout the underworld? time would tell
Cartographers (69)
The Minstrels ventured out even further. only a few had been killed so far. something that still irked the Pied Piper, as they came in peace only to bring entertainment and joy to all. theres no pleasing some people, he thought. maybe it was time to give up on the dream....
The Wandering Minstrels (70)
Monsters had been sighted, the chance for groo to take on a Cloud Giant was irresistible.. soon he would be ready.
Groo the Wanderer (71)
MMF (79)
Fon (8)
How am I supposed to take over the world when I can't even get out of town?
Phoenix Society (86)
Only a magician of Light can worship the Sun
La Orden de la Sangre (9)
We are Borg!
Borg TNG (95)
Old Mother Hubbard
Cleared out her cupboard
So when they come it will be bare