We stand with Ukraine. Please support the Ukrainian army to defend against the Russian invasion.

Times Turn 46

.----      - ---     --     ---   -----   - --       ----  ----   -     ----.
 )                                                                         (
(                             NewOrigins Events                             )
 )                            November, Year 4                             (
(                                                                           )
 )      Numerous pilgrims have heard about the battle between hostile      (
(      forces happened in the forests of Meulcos where 321 combatants       )
 )      were killed. Powerful magic was used in the battle. Fearsome       (
(        magical monsters were collecting their prey. The attackers         )
 )    slaughtered all defenders. This battle will be known as Battle of    (
(                          the town of Erwhestead.                          )
 )                                                                         (
(                          .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                          )
 )                                                                         (
(      Dozen scouts are talking about a clash between The Gaggle (22)       )
 )     and The Lord of Drama (29) happened in the plains of Fro'agate      (
(       where 1 combatant was killed. Powerful magic was used in the        )
 )    battle. Fearsome magical monsters were collecting their prey. The    (
(     attackers slaughtered all defenders. This battle will be known as     )
 )                     Battle of the town of Felbruk.                      (
(                                                                           )
 )                         .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                         (
(                                                                           )
 )    Some peasants are discussing about a clash between hostile forces    (
(     happened in the plains of Fro'agate where 1 combatant was killed.     )
 )    Powerful magic was used in the battle. Fearsome magical monsters     (
(         were collecting their prey. The attackers slaughtered all         )
 )      defenders. This battle will be known as Battle of the town of      (
(                                 Felbruk.                                  )
 )                                                                         (
(                          .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                          )
 )                                                                         (
(        Many commoners are discussing about a fight between hostile        )
 )    forces happened in the ocean of Atlantis Ocean where 1 combatant     (
(      was killed. Powerful magic was used in the battle. War engines       )
 )     were decimating the battlefield. Fearsome magical monsters were     (
(      collecting their prey. The attackers slaughtered all defenders.      )
 )    This battle will be known as Battle near the jungles of Eccoist.     (
(                                                                           )
 )                         .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                         (
(                                                                           )
 )    Handful dockers are rumoring about the village of Eblu that lies     (
(       in the Mangticor caverns, where a partisans destroyed guards.       )
 )                                                                         (
(                          .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                          )
 )                                                                         (
(     Many adventurers are rumoring about the city of Ildprot that lies     )
 )      in the Rerath underforests, where a villans decimated guards.      (
(                                                                           )
 )                         .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                         (
(                                                                           )
 )     A few scouts are worried about the city of Onthead that lies in     (
(         the Derngill mountains, where a faction decimated guards.         )
 )                                                                         (
(                          .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                          )
 )                                                                         (
(      A few travelers are worried about the town of Dirstec that lies      )
 )      in the Riplutt tundra, where a partisans extinguished guards.      (
(                                                                           )
 )                         .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                         (
(                                                                           )
 )    Some locals have heard about the town of Ledpyc that lies in the     (
(           Rantvardshal plains, where a rebels destroyed guards.           )
 )                                                                         (
(                          .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                          )
 )                                                                         (
(        Numerous traders have heard about witchers who attempted to        )
 )      decimated Undead (18773) roaming the desert of Dusdisoun near      (
(       town of Garhonlyc. But all of them were slain by their prey.        )
 )                                                                         (
(                          .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                          )
 )                                                                         (
(      A few adventurers are rumoring about hunters who have expelled       )
 )      Pirates (17617) near forests of Cioflen. Freeing the ocean of      (
(                     Atlantis Ocean from their horror.                     )
 )                                                                         (
(                          .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                          )
 )                                                                         (
(        Handful scouts are rumoring about daredevils who have slew         )
 )       Pirates (11650) near city of Onthead. Freeing the ocean of        (
(                    Atlantis Ocean from their anxiety.                     )
 )                                                                         (
(                          .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                          )
 )                                                                         (
(     In the caverns of Mecshito, near city of Cengrer, Devil (484) who     )
 )             continue to cause horror to local inhabitants.              (
(                                                                           )
 )                         .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                         (
(                                                                           )
 )    In the tunnels of A'oc, near ocean of The Undersea, Demon (1008)     (
(            who continue to cause anxiety to local inhabitants.            )
 )                                                                         (
(                          .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                          )
 )                                                                         (
(      In the tunnels of Flueshogria, near Tower Building [2], Dragon       )
 )        (801) who continue to cause horror to local inhabitants.         (
(                                                                           )
 )                         .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                         (
(                                                                           )
 )    Alarming news were coming from the tundra of Sosmeolwaul. Locals     (
(      were terrified by the assassination attempt near the forests of      )
 )                Uincot; thankfully, the victim survived.                 (
(                                                                           )
 )                         .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                         (
(                                                                           )
 )        Alarming news were coming from the forests of Chayemner.         (
(         Commoners were scared by the assassination in the city of         )
 )                Baimark. The assassin escaped unnoticed.                 (
(                                                                           )
 )                         .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                         (
(                                                                           )
 )    Alarming news were coming from the swamps of Leffquapbe. Citizens    (
(        were shocked by the assassination in the town of Iwick. The        )
 )                       assassin escaped unnoticed.                       (
(__       _       _       _       _       _       _       _       _       __)
    '-._.-' (___ _) '-._.-' '-._.-' )     ( '-._.-' '-._.-' (__ _ ) '-._.-'
            ( _ __)                (_     _)                (_ ___)
            (__  _)                 '-._.-'                 (___ _)
            '-._.-'                                         '-._.-'


Build a Temple in Blecishchan for the glory of the Gods.
In the chasm of Osrengate roams the Devil (481). Free the world from this menace and be rewarded!
In the swamp of Echellpol lurks the Lizard Men (675). Free the world from this menace and be rewarded!
In the cavern of Cepcouthpil lurks the Dark Mages (841). Free the world from this menace and be rewarded!
Seek a token of the Ancient Ones legacy amongst the herbs of Sosmeolwaul.
In the mountain of Bedsyll lurks the Storm Giant (1048). Free the world from this menace and be rewarded!
In the chasm of Lenu lurks the Evil Warriors (793). Free the world from this menace and be rewarded!
Build a Temple in Ashire for the glory of the Gods.
In the underforest of Tahimmo lurks the Drow Warriors (1780). Free the world from this menace and be rewarded!
Build a Temple in Bedsyll for the glory of the Gods.
In the tunnels of A'oc roams the Demon (1008). Free the world from this menace and be rewarded!
In the underforest of Marold roams the Troll Pack (601). Free the world from this menace and be rewarded!
Build a Temple in Blasmaburn for the glory of the Gods.
In the underforest of Teldani roams the Dragon (493). Free the world from this menace and be rewarded!
In the tundra of Nenttheen roams the Grizzly Bears (246). Free the world from this menace and be rewarded!
Seek a token of the Ancient Ones legacy amongst the mushrooms of Powann.
In the mountain of Sweron roams the Giant Birds (330). Free the world from this menace and be rewarded!
Build a Temple in Ardshisi for the glory of the Gods.
In the swamp of Jinrick lurks the Undead (738). Free the world from this menace and be rewarded!
In the desert of Lecktrimhir roams the Sphinx (929). Free the world from this menace and be rewarded!


cozy like home
Red Skulls (10)
It seems old friends may be joining us soon
The Fallen (101)
The others are vaguely aware that something is happening.
Apathetics (102)
Anyone have any free time they could loan me.  :)
Mantzikert (103)
one more time
New Farmers (104)
Hello there, silly Storm Giant!
Hello There (105)
Do we need iron or wood will be enough?
WoodMan (109)
They clearly have the ability to assassinate us. Why then, do they just keep taking our stuff. Is it just for fun?
Distant Drummer (15)
"Whooooooaaaaa, my dudes," intoned the bronzed lord. "That is a most bodacious... um... what /is/ the collective noun for dragons?"
Under Mirk Wood (18)
Honk HONK honk.
The Gaggle (22)
Wistfully building
Wistful Thinking (27)
Dark League (28)
Love, death & goblins

Season 2, episode 10

The underworld. A bedroom in cave. Only Goblin Mom and many goblin children (Goblin Papa still far avay for military training).

Children! Today I will tell you how Floello and Alyello were caughting the stupid Gazzyoll. First, they gathered all their forces near the fattest city on the coast, the extraction of which could make Gazzyoll very rich and strong. 
But they did it in such a way that it seemed that there were very few forces and the city was defenseless. 
They knew that Gazzyoll was spying on the city. But Gazzyoll got scared and swam to the city, which was far away and where he could profit from easy prey without any harm to himself.
Both Alyello and Floello realized that Gazzyoll needed food to feed his thugs. And from somewhere, this food is delivered to him. Then they sent out warriors to intercept anyone coming towards Gazzyoll. And they even caught a few scouts with bags of money.
Gazielo got nervous! Both Allyello and Floello realized that they were on the right track! But Gazzyoll had already penetrated deep into foreign lands and he urgently needed to replenish his supplies. But whether he succeeded, we will find out tomorrow. Now everyone go to sleep!
The Lord of Drama (29)
"Why it smoke?"
"It is a volcano."
"Are we safe here?"
"No, trees burn."
"We should kill it then..."
"You really don't think do you"
Elder Tree Forests (32)
As the heat sets in, so does purpose and intent.

Enjoy the heat and enjoy the rewards of focus.
Greywolf (33)
World is burning, in shadows snakes are waiting.
Frozen Sails (35)
Why did you need this?!!! No need to defend yourself! Go attack!
Shestoper (36)
Taip (37)
An officer of the guard asked his sergeant "What's that noise in the distance?"
"Waterfowl sir. Thaaasands of them. Honking from shore to shore."
The officer sighed. "Fix bayonets! Prepare to repel the invaders!"
Children of the Four Winds (4)
Armies are moving, great acts of diplomacy and warfare are taking place, and nobody seems to notice the giant monkey still hanging out in the jungle...
Fishmongers' Guild (41)
Gyperboreya (42)
              Squirrel Chatter               fourth November

Ice Wurms and Yeti?
                                              --Watch, Cia'o

"Devil", monster that kills you before you can run away.
"Demons", monsters that kill you when you run away.
                                   --Kasta Mostrosp, Tahimmo

The dragon brought Giant Spiders to help.
                                           --Grigor, Tahimmo

I am bad  at guessing Thousand Masks'  intentions. I thought
last month's article would be my last, because I saw an army
of  new recruits  forming in  Mowdorf. But  I'm still  here,
because  that  army  didn't  attack  Mowdorf,  they  instead
supported  an  attack  on  the squirrels  next  door,  those
squirrels who  bravely (try to)  keep the devils  and demons
and dragons and  giant spiders in the underworld  and not on
the surface. (I have heard  that the devils, demons, dragons
and giant  spiders prefer the  underworld and won't  come to
the surface  even if we  leave the shaft unguarded,  but who
can trust those stories? We  have heard rumors or devils and
dragons on the surface, and where can they have come from if
not from the underworld?)
                                         --Victoria, Mowdorf

                                    Be with us next time for
                                    "Moor of the same"
                                    "Lost in the Bog"
squirrels (43)
The sword is being fed, but its hunger is eternal
Stormbringer (46)
The way you reply only proves that I am right.
Thousand Masks (49)
Mana from heaven... Silver from the Times.
Sunshine (5)
Ennead (52)
The stars look different from here
Archon Dominion (53)
Time to ...
Surveyors (55)
Now the nasty elveses are on Giant Turtles killing the fisher folk!
Deathscarab (57)
Yet another turn, yet another 200 silver
MalibuWest (59)
The winds swirled in his hair, the brave cabin boy looked out from the crows nest at the impending storm. the ship groaned and creaked. the winds whipped the deck and men huddled for protection behind their valuable cargo. 

This shipment must get through. the mercenary guards had been paid and came with recommendations. the journey was long, but the reward immense.

3 months this would last, sailing the great southern ocean. their destination was known, what lay inbetween was not.
Cartographers (69)
Minstrels coming to a site near you. We bring joy and music to all. please dont kill the minstrels..... 
The Wandering Minstrels (70)
The First Monster lay ahead. to victory thought Groo. how hard can a giant be anyways.......
Groo the Wanderer (71)
Sea Guild (75)
MMF (79)
Fon (8)
What to do, what to do?
Phoenix Society (86)
Sometimes solitude in front of the sea is not at all romantic.
La Orden de la Sangre (9)
We are not interested in negotiation; we have come for your technology and assimilation into our collective.
Borg TNG (95)
Here Leezard, Leezard...............................Heeere Leezard, Leezard..............I'm going to find you..........and when I do...........
Mantu (98)


And how are people still finding unconquered towns at this late stage???
Shadow-shrouded steps,
Staff gleams beneath moonlit mist,
Greed trumps blind power.
Some just won't die.