We stand with Ukraine. Please support the Ukrainian army to defend against the Russian invasion.

Times Turn 48

.----      - ---     --     ---   -----   - --       ----  ----   -     ----.
 )                                                                         (
(                             NewOrigins Events                             )
 )                             January, Year 5                             (
(                                                                           )
 )      Some druids are rumoring about a conflict between Gyperboreya      (
(      (42) and a rebels happened in the ocean of Atlantis Ocean where      )
 )    41 combatants were killed. Powerful magic was used in the battle.    (
(      War engines were decimating the battlefield. Disgusting undead       )
 )      caused fear in the combatants. Fearsome magical monsters were      (
(      collecting their prey. The attackers slaughtered all defenders.      )
 )    This battle will be known as Battle near the mountains of Sweron.    (
(                                                                           )
 )                         .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                         (
(                                                                           )
 )       Some pilgrims are rumoring about a conflict between hostile       (
(     forces happened in the ocean of Atlantis Ocean where 5 combatants     )
 )      were killed. Powerful magic was used in the battle. Fearsome       (
(        magical monsters were collecting their prey. The attackers         )
 )     slaughtered all defenders. This battle will be known as Battle      (
(                         near the town of Felbruk.                         )
 )                                                                         (
(                          .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                          )
 )                                                                         (
(       Many wanderers are rumoring about a fight between two armies        )
 )     happened in the ocean of Atlantis Ocean where 6 combatants were     (
(      killed. Powerful magic was used in the battle. War engines were      )
 )    decimating the battlefield. Disgusting undead caused fear in the     (
(     combatants. Fearsome magical monsters were collecting their prey.     )
 )      The attackers slaughtered all defenders. This battle will be       (
(               known as Battle near the mountains of Sweron.               )
 )                                                                         (
(                          .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                          )
 )                                                                         (
(     Numerous scouts are discussing about the skirmish between enemies     )
 )      happened in the ocean of Atlantis Ocean where 1 combatant was      (
(      killed. Powerful magic was used in the battle. War engines were      )
 )    decimating the battlefield. Disgusting undead caused fear in the     (
(     combatants. Fearsome magical monsters were collecting their prey.     )
 )      The attackers slaughtered all defenders. This battle will be       (
(               known as Battle near the mountains of Sweron.               )
 )                                                                         (
(                          .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                          )
 )                                                                         (
(      A few commoners are worried about the city of Peonbai that lies      )
 )          in the Ettru tundra, where an opposition slew guards.          (
(                                                                           )
 )                         .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                         (
(                                                                           )
 )    Dozen pilgrims are talking about the city of Tetmestowe that lies    (
(        in the Hiced forests, where a partisans annihilated guards.        )
 )                                                                         (
(                          .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                          )
 )                                                                         (
(     A few refugees are worried about the city of Ganglen that lies in     )
 )          the Dapent chasms, where a faction massacred guards.           (
(                                                                           )
 )                         .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                         (
(                                                                           )
 )    Handful adventurers are talking about the town of Erwhestead that    (
(        lies in the Meulcos forests, where an opposition massacred         )
 )                                 guards.                                 (
(                                                                           )
 )                         .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                         (
(                                                                           )
 )       Many bards are discussing about witchers who have decimated       (
(     Undead (1768) near mountains of Prodon. Freeing the mountains of      )
 )                        Sweron from their horror.                        (
(                                                                           )
 )                         .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                         (
(                                                                           )
 )     Some traders have heard about daredevils who have slew Merfolk      (
(     (16029) near Fort Silver Fort [3]. Freeing the ocean of Atlantis      )
 )                         Ocean from their fear.                          (
(                                                                           )
 )                         .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                         (
(                                                                           )
 )         Dozen scouts are talking about hunters who attempted to         (
(      extinguished Hydra (3586) roaming the swamps of Zelrinmore near      )
 )      ocean of Atlantis Ocean. But all of them were slain by their       (
(                                   prey.                                   )
 )                                                                         (
(                          .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                          )
 )                                                                         (
(      Handful pilgrims are rumoring about daredevils who have killed       )
 )       Pirates (679) near city of Cee'onbay. Freeing the ocean of        (
(                     Atlantis Ocean from their dread.                      )
 )                                                                         (
(                          .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                          )
 )                                                                         (
(     In the chasms of Adeclir, near ocean of The Undersea, Devil (608)     )
 )            who continue to cause fear to local inhabitants.             (
(                                                                           )
 )                         .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                         (
(                                                                           )
 )       A group of rangers put to the sword the Pirates (16171) who       (
(      inflicted dread on the inhabitants of the Atlantis Ocean ocean       )
 )                          near city of Peonbai.                          (
(                                                                           )
 )                         .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                         (
(                                                                           )
 )     In the ocean of The Undersea, near city of E'osh, Merfolk (605)     (
(            who continue to cause terror to local inhabitants.             )
 )                                                                         (
(                          .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                          )
 )                                                                         (
(     Worrisome news were coming from the forests of Utso. Inhabitants      )
 )    were horrified by the assassination near the town of Erwhestead.     (
(                      The assassin escaped unnoticed.                      )
 )                                                                         (
(                          .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                          )
 )                                                                         (
(        Fearsome news were coming from the swamps of Noshskortmel.         )
 )    Inhabitants were terrified by the assassination near the city of     (
(                Tetmestowe. The assassin escaped unnoticed.                )
 )                                                                         (
(                          .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                          )
 )                                                                         (
(       Frightening news were coming from the plains of Foa'ouckhun.        )
 )      Commoners were scared by the assassination near the ocean of       (
(              Atlantis Ocean. The assassin escaped unnoticed.              )
 )                                                                         (
(                          .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                          )
 )                                                                         (
(       Horrifying news were coming from the desert of Melshiullcen.        )
 )      Inhabitants were afraid by the assassination near the Magical      (
(          Tower Hidden Leaf [5]. The assassin escaped unnoticed.           )
 )                                                                         (
(__       _       _       _       _       _       _       _       _       __)
    '-._.-' (___ _) '-._.-' '-._.-' )     ( '-._.-' '-._.-' (__ _ ) '-._.-'
            ( _ __)                (_     _)                (_ ___)
            (__  _)                 '-._.-'                 (___ _)
            '-._.-'                                         '-._.-'

Go into all the world, and tell all people that new world is great.


In the underforest of Marold roams the Troll Pack (601). Free the world from this menace and be rewarded!
In the desert of Lecktrimhir roams the Sphinx (929). Free the world from this menace and be rewarded!
In the swamp of Echellpol lurks the Lizard Men (675). Free the world from this menace and be rewarded!
In the underforest of Teldani roams the Dragon (493). Free the world from this menace and be rewarded!
Seek a token of the Ancient Ones legacy amongst the mushrooms of Powann.
In the swamp of Jinrick lurks the Undead (738). Free the world from this menace and be rewarded!
Build a Temple in Ashire for the glory of the Gods.
In the mountain of Bedsyll lurks the Storm Giant (1048). Free the world from this menace and be rewarded!
Build a Temple in Blecishchan for the glory of the Gods.
In the tunnels of A'oc roams the Demon (1008). Free the world from this menace and be rewarded!
In the cavern of Cepcouthpil lurks the Dark Mages (841). Free the world from this menace and be rewarded!
In the chasm of Osrengate roams the Devil (481). Free the world from this menace and be rewarded!
In the mountain of Sweron roams the Giant Birds (330). Free the world from this menace and be rewarded!
Seek a token of the Ancient Ones legacy amongst the iron of Cedid.
Build a Temple in Blasmaburn for the glory of the Gods.
In the chasm of Lenu lurks the Evil Warriors (793). Free the world from this menace and be rewarded!
In the underforest of Tahimmo lurks the Drow Warriors (1780). Free the world from this menace and be rewarded!
Build a Temple in Ardshisi for the glory of the Gods.
Build a Temple in Bedsyll for the glory of the Gods.
Seek a token of the Ancient Ones legacy amongst the herbs of Sosmeolwaul.


Dangerous waters. People eat more people than sharks do
Red Skulls (10)
The Fallen (101)
What do you get when you cross a Flaming Sword with a Rune Sword?

Flaming Ruins.
Mantzikert (103)
one more time
New Farmers (104)
Hello there, Storm Giant!
Hello There (105)
The land anound us is feed with blood.
It's scary
WoodMan (109)
How long have we been here, time seems to be going very slow.
The Trade Group (11)
Fun times in the underworld. Say hi to the Devil.
Distant Drummer (15)
"My lord," began the most triumphant surfing dude, "we must not allow a dragonfire gap!"  

The bronzed lord wondered if things had not perhaps gone a bit off piste somewhere, as this did seem rather bogus indeed. 
Under Mirk Wood (18)
Honk honk... Honk honk? Honk honk!
The Gaggle (22)
No dragon, but a storm giant... Be careful with the wishes ...
Silver Hand (25)
Wistfully last minute!
Wistful Thinking (27)
Dark League (28)
Love, death & goblins

Season 2, episode 12

The underworld. A bedroom in cave. Only Goblin Mom and many goblin children (Goblin Papa already on my way home).

So, Children! Floyello and Allyello hid in ambush, waiting for Gazzyoll to swim in and pounce on the meat cooked for him. But Gazzyoll still wasn't there... 
Gazzyoll was just scared! It seemed to him that the meat was not meat, but a terrible monster! It was because he was a coward and didn't know how to fight with strong enemy. He could only attack the weak and defenseless... 
And then a little bird brought curious news. One of Gazzyoll's henchmen, a Cockroach The Liar, was sailing to Gazzyoll's meeting and was carrying reinforcements. They decided that since they couldn't win alone, they would attack together. 
Both Floyello and Allyello thought about... And they came up how win against both hooligans! But we'll find out what they've come up with tomorrow! Now everyone go to sleep!
The Lord of Drama (29)
What will happen when there is too much ships around? Will writing department quit?
Trader Enclave (30)
"So we climb up in that?"
"yep.  We gonna fly"
"What's it called"
"A balloon.  You need to trim your branches.  Cannot poke holes in it"
"yeah.  I don't fall well.  Why don't we let those gnoll things go up first?"
"Let them have all the fun?  No.  It is time for trees to fly..."
Elder Tree Forests (32)
Well, what is happening.

I have one little crew floating around the ocean killing pirates and merfolk. They are exceeding expectations and will soon have me number one in nets and lasso's. I am sure they must be hiding some excellent treasure there somewhere, but we haven't managed to find that secret cave.

The men in the UW are successfully holding off the dragon's and dark mages from killing the miners, so we are actually getting some mithril coming through which is fantastic!

That will help build up the marm as I would like to be number 1 in marm, arng, aarm and mswo. My mum always said to have stretch goals!

Grey out.

Greywolf (33)
Frozen Sails (35)
"I understand about your result... and how many times in this has she has orgasm?"
"... she didn't come to me..."
Shestoper (36)
Mega hit!
Taip (37)
The treasurer of the Four Winds was slightly embarrassed. There was still money available far away from the front lines, despite recruiting as many soldiers as the lands could provide. Clearly the rainy day fund had grown a little too big.
Children of the Four Winds (4)
The expedition force moved into the jungle last week, and so far no word has come back. Should we be out fighting giant monkeys when pirates and corsairs are constantly battling off the coast? Maybe not, but kongs seem like a security risk too...
Fishmongers' Guild (41)
On my Way.
Gyperboreya (42)
              Squirrel Chatter                 fifth January

Fluffy Rainbow  Unicorn and his (her?)  army finally managed
to slay more squirrels than  demons and dragons for a month.
It is unclear  what Fluffy Rainbow Unicorn's  goals are, the
only  information  we  have received  abour  Fluffy  Rainbow
Unicorn's objectives is one word "protein".
                                  --Master Turner, Ersatrork

                                    Be with us next time for
squirrels (43)
It should get easier
Truth Seekers (44)
Maybe one of these days the harvest can begin.
Stormbringer (46)
Thousand Masks (49)
The Mundane overrides the Exotic.
Sunshine (5)
Do you sense anomalies already?
Ennead (52)
Is this just one big stack wagging competition?
Archon Dominion (53)
In the heart of a frozen forest, where the trees stood like icy statues, a little squirrel named Nutkin scurried through the snow. The winter had been harsh, and food was scarce, but Nutkin was known for her luck. One frosty morning, she spotted a peculiar glint beneath a frost-covered oak. Digging eagerly, she uncovered a hidden stash of acorns, left by a forgetful crow.

As she gathered her treasure, a sudden crack echoed through the forest—a branch heavy with ice was about to fall! With a swift leap, Nutkin dodged the danger, her heart pounding....
Surveyors (55)
All is quiet on the Western Front! Maybe they left?
Deathscarab (57)
Silver keeps my scouts alive
MalibuWest (59)
The news of the world filtered in slowly
Cartographers (69)
The Wandering Minstrels (70)
right, soon we would be off.... damn technicalities....
Groo the Wanderer (71)
Sea Guild (75)
MMF (79)
Fon (8)
Hiding in the shadows I grow stringer.
Phoenix Society (86)
The loneliness of a victory is not to be celebrated
La Orden de la Sangre (9)
Such a noble creature. A quality we sometimes lack. We will add your distinctiveness to our own. Welcome home... Locutus.
Borg TNG (95)
Hot, cold, hot, cold.  Never stays one way forvery long.
Mantu (98)


Hammer rings and sparks fly
Red-glowing adamant folds 
Blade of legend forms
Some demons need allies.