We stand with Ukraine. Please support the Ukrainian army to defend against the Russian invasion.

Times Turn 5

.----      - ---     --     ---   -----   - --       ----  ----   -     ----.
 )                                                                         (
(                             NewOrigins Events                             )
 )                              June, Year 1                               (
(                                                                           )
 )        Many druids have heard about an encounter between enemies        (
(     happened in the forests of E'e where battle ended in a slaughter      )
 )    of one of the sides. This battle will be known as Battle near the    (
(                             city of Trasicy.                              )
 )                                                                         (
(                          .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                          )
 )                                                                         (
(      Dozen wanderers are discussing about a fight between two armies      )
 )      happened in the mountains of Inhead where 29 combatants were       (
(     killed. The attackers slaughtered all defenders. This battle will     )
 )                be known as Battle near the town of Sehe.                (
(                                                                           )
 )                         .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                         (
(                                                                           )
 )    Multiple traders have heard about a clash between hostile forces     (
(     happened in the forests of E'e where 1 combatant was killed. The      )
 )     defenders were furious and put all attackers to the sword. This     (
(     battle will be known as Battle near the ocean of Atlantis Ocean.      )
 )                                                                         (
(                          .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                          )
 )                                                                         (
(     Multiple druids are whispering about the village of Ealmouth that     )
 )       lies in the Popener plains, where a partisans extinguished        (
(                                  guards.                                  )
 )                                                                         (
(                          .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                          )
 )                                                                         (
(        Handful refugees have heard about rangers who attempted to         )
 )     expelled Family of Ogres (689) roaming the mountains of Dayiam      (
(       near village of Crinday. But all of them were slain by their        )
 )                                  prey.                                  (
(                                                                           )
 )                         .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                         (
(                                                                           )
 )       Multiple refugees are whispering about adventurers who have       (
(     murdered Grizzly Bears (354) near village of Crinday. Freeing the     )
 )                 mountains of Dayiam from their horror.                  (
(                                                                           )
 )                         .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                         (
(                                                                           )
 )     In the forests of Hentstat, near ocean of Atlantis Ocean, Yeti      (
(        (1100) who continue to cause anxiety to local inhabitants.         )
 )                                                                         (
(                          .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                          )
 )                                                                         (
(      In the mountains of Dayiam, near jungles of Dyni, Dragon (1039)      )
 )           who continue to cause terror to local inhabitants.            (
(                                                                           )
 )                         .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                         (
(                                                                           )
 )     In the mountains of Sa'endtell, near town of Erwhestead, Demon      (
(         (972) who continue to cause anxiety to local inhabitants.         )
 )                                                                         (
(                          .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.                          )
 )                                                                         (
(     Worrisome news were coming from the plains of Squesnys. Citizens      )
 )      were stunned by the assassination near the ocean of Atlantis       (
(                  Ocean. The assassin escaped unnoticed.                   )
 )                                                                         (
(__       _       _       _       _       _       _       _       _       __)
    '-._.-' (___ _) '-._.-' '-._.-' )     ( '-._.-' '-._.-' (__ _ ) '-._.-'
            ( _ __)                (_     _)                (_ ___)
            (__  _)                 '-._.-'                 (___ _)
            '-._.-'                                         '-._.-'

Be productive and strong; explore new land and find a way to survive.


Seek a token of the Ancient Ones legacy amongst the mushrooms of Powann.
In the swamp of E'in lurks the Undead (1145). Free the world from this menace and be rewarded!
In the tundra of Co'e roams the Ice Wurms (291). Free the world from this menace and be rewarded!
In the tundra of Nenttheen roams the Grizzly Bears (246). Free the world from this menace and be rewarded!
Seek a token of the Ancient Ones legacy amongst the iron of Blecishchan.
In the plain of Ecaun lurks the Tribe of Centaurs (2251). Free the world from this menace and be rewarded!
Seek a token of the Ancient Ones legacy amongst the wood of Dernglen.
In the plain of Popener roams the Sandlings (395). Free the world from this menace and be rewarded!
Build a Temple in Beheim for the glory of the Gods.
In the forest of Uincot roams the Wolf Pack (286). Free the world from this menace and be rewarded!


What a perfect world. Definitely no devils around. Dragons also seem friendly.
Red Skulls (10)
So our island is not so small, and we have met our first neighbours. Looks like they are traders like us.
The Trade Group (11)
So I finally figured out how to submit an order and I moved a hex. Am  I having fun yet?
The Explorers Guild (13)
Bober means Beaver.
Nothing personal. Trees are yammy.
SuperBober (14)
We were hoping to land somewhere with no one about. This is ridiculous.
Distant Drummer (15)
The pale lord watched as the guardsmen burned.  The others had seemed friendly enough, but perhaps they did not understand the shore.  How could people focus on the smell of fire over the wax on a board, on the need to tax and rule instead of reaching up to touch the tube overhead amidst the spray and thunder.

The pale lord decided that new boards were needed.
Under Mirk Wood (18)
ah !! une petite ville pas vraiment occupée...
on va s'y installer
The Lands Kepper (20)
HONK!!! Honk honk... honk. :(
The Gaggle (22)
We are getting bored. Perhaps we shall jump again?
The Merry Magicians (24)
Many factions here....
Silver Hand (25)
We thought we'd end up on a tiny wistful island in the ocean. But there's a lot of land, and people on it.
Wistful Thinking (27)
The traveler walked through the bushes to the big city, which was beyond the swamp. At the beginning of the forest.
He walked slowly. Obviously pleased with himself. Rolling a toothpick in his mouth. And humming a song. A strange song, very out of tune.

The crocodile is green,
With teeth like needles,
It swims in the swamp,
Oh, how funny!

How you surprise us!
You are so cheerful and sweet!
You make us all laugh!

The crocodile dances,
Wagging its tail,
Everyone around laughs,
Singing a song.

The croc is our favorite,
You are invincible!
Let's sing in a crowd,
We'll have fun!
Dark League (28)
City guards come out to the protesting peasants.

The Sergeant tries to shout over the chanting peasants:

- Well, go to work, you idlers!
- And we are working, the headman answers. We disperse the crows over the residence with screams!
- Oh, well, then, work!

The guards are leaving.

The decrepit Lord does not hear well. He hears that the peasants are shouting "Lord migrant!"
With surprise, he asks the magicians who entered: 
- Why am I suddenly considered a migrant?
Magicians, not understanding anything, come up with lies on the go:
- You are not a migrant, Your Grace. The peasants are not doing their job! They demand to bring migrants!
- And what kind of migrants do they require?
- And any of them, Your Grace, if only they were stronger and cheaper.
- Oh, okay then. A great idea! Catch wolves in the forest, bring them to the city, distribute them to the peasants, let them plow!

The servant Vasily enters the Lord's Chambers, the drunken body of the Commander is hanging on his shoulder!

- Ah, here you are, Polkan! Get ready! The army is moving into the forest to catch wolves! We will build our greatness with their help!
- Hic! - the Commander spits out.
The Lord of Drama (29)
Nothing remains unclaimed.  All stored wisdom has been obtained.  Anything new must be earned by spreading and sharing knowledge.
Kiiran (3)
As traders walked through many regions they started meeting strangers and friends from distant worlds. So in order to get to know everyone, the trader enclave has opened the writing department that will try to send messages to all factions met and hope that everyone will turn out non-hostile.
Trader Enclave (30)
And now we have friends, iron, grain, and soon, fire...
Elder Tree Forests (32)
Starting to see some battles floating nearby. Like the glorious grey wolves of the artic, we figure we will hide in our cave for now and eat the loser as our mana from heaven seems to have run out.
Greywolf (33)
What a lovely City.. I wonder if the guards are friendly ..
Queen XOT (34)
Welcome friends

Frozen Sails (35)
The swamp is too big. Surely there are crocodiles hereю.
Shestoper (36)
A lot of blood and death?
Maybe it's time to stop it?
Voras (37)
Nice when you can generate Fire without all that annoying flint and metal.
Mantzikert (39)
The econometrist of the Four Winds (that vital position who keeps everyone thrilled) came forwards to make an announcement.
"Citizens! We are global leaders in gnome recruitment! This shows how we are committed to thrifty expansion! There is no room for complacency - there may be rival goblin-fuelled civilisations out there trying to take our land. I will pass over to the Defence Secretary, who has some comments on the Lich situation."
Children of the Four Winds (4)
Strange items washing up on the beach this month...spears, spars, even a hand. A book, with writing too faded to read. And a strange flag, of a moon and a shell. What's going on, beyond the horizon?
Fishmongers' Guild (41)
I have cows
Five whole ones, I give you my word!
The truth is the truth, without deception
The first one gives sour cream,
Ryazhenka is given by the second,
The third one, having applied an effort, is
Dietary kefir,
And the fourth is a sundae!
Only the fifth, I will not hide,
gives fresh milk!
Gyperboreya (42)
Squirrels would like to believe that none of the gentle readers of the Times would attack each other.  Sadly, Gate Guards of Wune witnessed with their own eyes an assassination.  We (Gate Guards) were unable to determine the faction of the assassin with certainty, but we suspect faction 2, because other squirrels have already seen that faction 2 has many stealthy units, and that faction 2, sadly, sometimes initiates violent quarrels.  We beseech faction 2 to reflect on whether you are "being the change you want to see" in Atlantis.  Cattle die, kinsmen die, but your reputation is forever.  Do not risk your eternal reputation for coins soon spent and experience soon forgotten.  And we beseech those readers of the Times who are allied with faction 2 to have a serious talk with your ally.

                                      -- Gate Guards of Wune
squirrels (43)
It's quiet and peaceful here again.
Truth Seekers (44)
Jeremy waits. And waits. His people are still sorting themselves out. Scouts have been sent out to get a better view of the island. The architects and lumberjacks are confused by the lack of viable wood-based structures for a base and have turned their attention to stone. Taxation looks more and more viable, and should be set up in 1-2 turns. In the meantime, our unclaimed silver rapidly dwindles. More resource-efficient plans could have gotten us going by now. Fortunately, we are not currently at any risk.

Territorial disputes are inevitable. We hope to resolve them peacefully when they come up, and we hope they will not be our fault.
The Order of the Egret (45)
The world may be different, but the price of not paying attention is always the same.
Stormbringer (46)
It's not everyday one meets such a cavalier sinner as yourself! A true, bloody pleasure.
Thousand Masks (49)
So many places to settle; so many smiling faces; where to chose?
Sunshine (5)
I need some silver for magic tricks :)
Brutals (50)
The heat in this desert is unbearable, out ice dwarves melt!
Ennead (52)
We hear word distant battles, advancing armies. Meanwhile we are trying to work out how to deal with these wretched mosquitoes as we walk around in circles, lost in thick jungle. 
Archon Dominion (53)
North there
Surveyors (55)
That was a hectic month, there were so many people to order by, and none of them showed leadership qualities to delegate. I'm starting to doubt my life choices.
My people have started to gather raw resources, next in line are the tools to increase production, for that, I've started teaching carpentry and axe making. 
I'm surprised that local people are efficient in wood cutting with stone rocks in hand. I feel like axes won't make much of a difference for them.
Aura of fear had no effect on the mayor. I guess his dictatorship can only be ended with force. Not sure what I should learn next, maybe artifact crafting?
My money stock is running low, there will be no more scouting for now, everything is going into increasing production, we must free people ASAP.
Copy & Bara Union (56)
The Swarm gives greetings to all the new two-legs in the area. 
Deathscarab (57)
Another month, not much happening
MalibuWest (59)
Tragedy Strikes as Carnival of Shadows Performer Assassinated

A wave of shock and sadness has swept over Atlantis as news broke that one of the Carnival of Shadows performers was brutally assassinated during last night's performance. The victim, identified as Nylara the Silent, a longtime member of the carnival and one of its most enigmatic and beloved performers, was found dead behind the main tent shortly after her final act.

The assassin remains at large, and while authorities are investigating, no motives have been confirmed. However, speculation has already begun circulating among the crowd, with some pointing to rising tensions surrounding the carnival’s presence in the region.

Old Jobobo, the carnival’s charismatic yet cryptic ringmaster, issued a public statement earlier today, expressing his outrage and grief:

"To say I am shocked would be an understatement. I am deeply offended and horrified that someone would have the audacity, the cruelty, to strike at one of my own. Nylara was family to us. What kind of person looks at performers—those who bring joy, wonder, and awe—and sees them as a target? This is a despicable act of hatred, and it speaks to the deep-seated prejudice and discrimination we performers face every day, simply because we choose to walk a different path. It is a sad day for not only the Carnival of Shadows but for all of Atlantis.”

His words have sparked growing conversations about the treatment of carnival performers across the realm, with some arguing that Nylara’s assassination could be a sign of deeper cultural divisions.

Protests Emerge Across the Region

In the wake of the tragedy, protests have erupted in several cities, led by performers, entertainers, and their supporters, calling for justice for Nylara and equal protection for all carnival members.

Outside the gates of Atlantis’ Grand Council building, protesters held signs reading “Performers Are People Too” and “Stop the Shadows of Hate,” demanding that the government take stronger action to protect those in the entertainment industry from violence and discrimination.

One protester, a fellow carnival performer, stated:

"We bring joy to people. We entertain. Yet we are treated like outcasts, as if our lives don’t matter. Nylara’s death is a wake-up call that we will no longer be silent. We will no longer be ignored."

Meanwhile, the Carnival of Shadows continues its performances, though the mood is somber. Despite the tragedy, Old Jobobo insists that the show must go on, stating that “Nylara would have wanted us to continue to shine light into the darkness, even in these difficult times.”

Authorities Continue Search for the Assassin

As authorities intensify their investigation, rumors swirl about potential suspects, though no arrests have been made. While some point to anti-carnival sentiment that has grown in recent weeks, others suggest a personal vendetta against the performer.

The Atlantis Times will continue to monitor the situation as protests spread and the search for Nylara’s assassin progresses. For now, the Carnival of Shadows moves forward, but under a dark and heavy cloud of grief, uncertainty, and the harsh reminder that even in a world of magic and illusion, real-world violence can strike at any time.
The Carnival of Shadows (61)
We are not interested in negotiation; we have come for your technology and assimilation into our collective.
Borg (62)
In my eyes, blooddrops look like roses on white lace. They won't wash away!
Roses on White Lace (64)
On the opening of our first shipyard:

"In the heart of the Lunarian Shipyard, we gather near,  
Where dreams take flight on waves of spray and foam,  
With every beam and nail, we cast aside fear,  
A symphony of skill in this sacred home.  

The hammers strike like thunder, a rhythmic beat,  
As visions of vessels rise into the sky,  
With sails unfurled, our hopes are bittersweet,  
Launching forth to chase horizons wide and high.  

So let us toast to journeys yet unknown,  
In the Lunarian Shipyard, where legends are sown."

Lunaria (66)
From the Seers' New Season Catalog: 

New Telepathic Streaming Service. FREE* trial now!  
Simply close your eyes and make your mind blank. You will then receive a fully interactive  vision using Seers' renowned 3DHDWTFD technology with patented Enhanced Sensations!  

Click here for FREE trial < >

A delightful jungle clearing. Exotic birdsong and enticing perfumes fill the air. You feel at home in this beautiful place which abounds in useful products. Home at last! A single warning screech stops the music. The panicked screeching and the flapping of wings. Then a paced thump. Rumbling your way. An overpowering stench of Kong then horror, pain addarkness.

The birds return to pick at your bones. And live happily ever after. 

* Conditions apply. Safe word not included. Safe word available at reasonable prices. 

 Disclaimer: In viewing this FREE offer you give waiver to Seers for all psychological, physical or spiritual damage(s), and any and all financial, property, or other damages suffered while experiencing this amazing FREE offer. Waiver includes, but is not limited to, damages from any and all associated, consequent or concurrent events or effects. Viewer indemnifies Seers and its Agents for any claims from third party victims. Waiver devolves to lawful inheritors in cases of actual death. For entertainment only. Do do this at home. But at your own risk.

Our motto at Seers: A nightmare for all!
Nonentity (67)
Gerard was pleased. first contact via the ancient medium of E Mails.

now he could share the map and watch it grow,

The Great Map will be available to all those that know of the E Mails. if you send me your email, I will send you a copy of The Great Map, in the ancient script of .txt

Gerard is an old man, used to things. he apologises he hasnt kept up with the young ice dwarves and centaurs. If you are interested in contributing and receiving monthly updates, please contact me with your email.

the Old
First of the Map Makers
Cartographers (69)
well at least its still sunny
Kowards (7)
The Pied Piper surveyed his new surrounds...

curious he pondered. different land, familiar factions. two months ago he encountered these two factions, and now in a different part of the world, the two turn up again. curious.
he felt welcomed in this new land, the new factions appeared friendly, he recruited the next round of entertainers, and then he once ore dissolved into the shadows...

where to next on this grand adventure! places to see, populous to entertain, life was going well, so far
The Wandering Minstrels (70)
Groo needed money, all his coppers had been spent. how to get more coppers?
Groo pondered, which was a miracle in itself
Groo the Wanderer (71)
I have a problem! 
I am alone!
MMF (79)
What a crowded island!
I think I've greeted all of you sharing this island with me, but if you haven't heard from me then please message or find me on discord.
Fon (8)
The gentle breeze made the branches of the trees in the forest emit a whisper that sounded like a lament.
Could it be a premonition that something serious was about to happen?
La Orden de la Sangre (9)


Early death appears
Copper and smoke smells
of dark burning betrayal
Only ash remains
Where did you expect the devils to be, heaven?
Greywolf! We'll make you eat your tail!
Desert Desert Desert.

Perhaps I should have built more altars in the last game....